They’re messing with our Capri Suns y’all. Kraft announced recently that they will no longer be using high fructose corn syrup in Capri Sun. Granted, most of us haven’t had one in years but, let’s be honest, hat corn syrup formula was everything. Can you imagine what our childhoods would have been like without Capri Sun? It’s what we grew up on, so obviously this was our reaction to the news.
1. Oh My God! That was corn syrup I was tasting?
2. I mean, they were always a little on the sugary side.
3. Oh! Who am I kidding they were perfect. So many memories…
4. There was corn syrup in my Capri Sun growing up, and I turned out just fine.
5. Oh God! What if I didn’t turn out fine?
6. Plus, I had it with Lunchables, and nothing in that was real.
7. You know what? I’m fine. A few artificial flavors and some corn syrup don’t define me.
8. The kids today will just never know how awesome and cool Capri Suns were with the “sizzurp.”
9. They’ll just never know.
Feeling nostalgic? Here are some articles that will make you wish you were a kid again: