If you haven’t realized it yet, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. That’s right, it’s Girl Scout cookie season y’all. Whether you are a Thin Mint junkie or a Samoas addict, these boxes of joy will be out soon and ready to cure your cookie cravings.
This year, the folks over at vivino.com have blessed us with wine pairings for all 12 cookie flavors. That means you can soothe your sweet tooth and get your buzz on all at the same time. Fair warning, these wine pairings aren’t your average two-buck-chuck bottles. These wines are fancy AF. So if you want to be classy, use the pairings below, but we won’t judge you if you substitute some Barefoot in if you need to. To find cookies in your area, visit girlscoutcookies.org.
#SpoonTip: Wine and Girl Scout cookies make for a successful Valentine’s Day if you’re single.

Photo courtesy of vivino.com