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12 Tips for Dating Someone Who Loves Food as Much as You

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UNH chapter.

For many, including myself, eating is not just about satisfying hunger. For all food-lovers, (or “foodies,” as we are sometimes called) eating is an experience that satisfies all five senses. Although difficult at times, it is possible for food lovers to open their hearts to actual humans (not just gingerbread men) and form relationships. But sometimes that special someone we fall for is not always as obsessed with food as we are.

If you are at times confused by your food-loving bae and just want to make them happy, here is a list of tips that will help you out.

They know what they want


Photo by Rebecca Block

Whether it’s the cuisine or the restaurant, they already have it figured out in their head. If they ask you where you want to go for dinner, they’re probably just trying to be nice. Feel ~blessed~ you never have to plan anything.

Their social media is centered around food


Photo by Morgan Kennedy

No need to worry about them liking other guys or girls’ pictures – their heart only double taps for food accounts.

Do not touch your food until they get a picture


Photo by Emma Rayner

If you do, that’s just rude. Unless it’s something like an ice cream sandwich that looks cute with a perfect bite in it. If you’re not sure, just ask.

Enjoy your food with them


Photo by Chelsea Hawk

Savor the flavor. If they take you to their favorite restaurant and you eat quickly without saying a word, they’ll probably take offense to it. Look up, smile, and throw out a simple, “Wow you were right. These truffle fries are dope.”

Make them breakfast in bed


Photo by Crystal Cascio

A very simple, thoughtful gesture that will make their day. Don’t forget the avocado toast and fried egg.

You’ll probably gain weight


Photo by Emma Rayner

It can be cute when you two occasionally chub-bump into each other. They won’t judge.

Their idea of fun is trying new coffee shops


Photo by Crystal Cascio

Or anywhere new. You always have to be up for food adventures.

They see food as art


Photo by Crystal Cascio

The angles, shapes, and colors make them very happy. They physically and mentally need to take at least 5 different pictures from all angles, especially if there is good lighting. The process only takes a few minutes. So just sit there looking happy and not embarrassed when they’re standing on a chair for an aerial-view.

They don’t always need to eat at five-star restaurants


Photo by Emma Gallagher

They appreciate any kind of food as long as it’s delicious. But probably not McDonald’s.

They’re easy to buy gifts for


Photo by Jenny Hill

I hope you’ve figured it out by now: just give them fooood.

They may leave a party early for food


Photo by Emily Waples

Just get some pizza and they may even go back to the party with you. Maybe.

You + Food = Their happiest moments


Photo by Liz Gervais

What more does anyone need than some Chinese takeout, vino, and their bae?

Emma is the editorial manager of the University of New Hampshire's chapter, and will be graduating in 2016. She is studying English and EcoGastronomy. After a semester abroad in Italy eating and traveling, she started a Spoon chapter on her campus as a way to stay busy through her post-abroad blues. She has an abonorally large sweet tooth, loves Chinese food, and believes everything should come with a side of fries.