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The Most Outrageous Foods W&L Students Have Eaten

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at WLU chapter.

When thinking about an engaging way to draw students at the 2019 Activities Fair I stumbled upon Dartmouth’s idea to have interested students share the most outrageous foods they’ve eaten. So, with a paper and Spoon pen on the table (as well as some pretty awesome Spoon merch,) I set out to find some Gennies with adventurous eating habits. Here were the submissions: (WARNING: These foods are not for the weak-of-heart…or stomach)

Sheep Stomach

Preserved Duck Egg

Raw Sea Urchin

Durian Fruit

outrageous foods durian pasture
Michelle Yan

Camel Burger


Saltwater Crocodile & Alligator 

A few people have tried this one! 

Cactus Fries


Spotted Dick Sponge Cake



10,000 Calorie Challenge

outrageous foods feast chicken
Estefi Kühne

Scorpion Soup


outrageous foods garlic shellfish
Shelby Cohron

Candied Pinecone

outrageous foods
Madalynn Smith

Chicken Feet

Guinea Pig

Would you try any of these? Want to learn and talk more about food in an awesome community setting? Join W&L’s chapter of Spoon University!

I love traveling, being active, hanging out with friends, and most importantly, good food!