Are you tired of your usual caffeine fix and looking for some new and exciting drink spots on the College Avenue campus? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the top five places to grab your favorite coffee, boba, or tea right here on campus. Get ready to explore these hidden gems and elevate your beverage game. So let's dive in and discover these must-try locales!


Whether you're catching up with friends or enjoying a study break, Utepia provides an inviting menu for relaxation and connection over heavenly beverages.

This cozy boba tea haven brings together some of the best flavors from across East Asia, making it a stand-out spot in the College Avenue campus' local coffee and tea scene. Don't miss out on unfolding a world of tantalizing tastes waiting for you at Utepia! My personal favorite is its brown sugar tea!

Friends Cafe

Named after the popular TV show Friends, Friends Cafe is a newly-owned laid-back cafe with a sweet establishment story. With its cozy atmosphere, scrumptious pastries, and exceptional coffee, it's no wonder it made our list of the best coffee spots on campus. When it comes to its menu, Friends Cafe knows how to satisfy every craving. Its impressive selection of premium coffees and espressos is made from ethically sourced beans and crafted by skilled baristas. In addition to its superb coffee, Friends Cafe offers a wide array of delectable soups and sandwiches — featuring classic combinations such as grilled cheese with tomato soup.

Amanda Clark


KitTea caters to both newbies and boba enthusiasts alike with its large menu selection. The cozy atmosphere provides the perfect setting for catching up with friends or enjoying some alone time with your favorite beverage. Sip on KitTea's signature creamy milk teas or explore the invigorating fruit tea selections, each expertly crafted to tingle your taste buds. As you relish in the chewy goodness of perfectly cooked tapioca pearls, from classic taro to exotic passionfruit, each boba concoction at KitTea has an option for everyone.

Hidden Grounds Coffee

Hidden Grounds Coffee is an enchanting spot for tea aficionados and casual sippers alike. This charming cafe offers a wide array of flavorful chai and tea options, from classic masala chai to rose saffron chai. With its inviting atmosphere and vibrant interior, Hidden Grounds Coffee has quickly become a beloved haven for students seeking a delectable escape from their busy academic lives. Don't forget to pair your favorite tea with its scrumptious pastries or mouth-watering sandwiches for a truly unforgettable experience.


Starbucks holds a prime location at the Yard on the College Avenue campus. This inviting establishment, positioned just beside the busy bus stop, offers students a convenient place to indulge in a variety of aromatic and energizing beverages. With Starbucks' menu variety and popularity, it's unsurprising that it has anchored itself among the best drink spots on campus.


Try These Locations Out!

Each location offers its own unique charm, quality brews, and an inviting atmosphere to both coffee connoisseurs and casual drinkers. Whether you're looking for a place to catch up with friends, focus on your studies, or just enjoy a delightful cup of joe, the College Avenue campus has something to offer for everyone. So go ahead and give these coffee havens a try — you might just discover your next favorite study spot or weekend hangout!