We double dog dare you to list 3 blue foods in the next 3 seconds. Blue da ba dee da ba die… times up.
While blue is typically the first color to disappear from a child’s crayon box, it’s the last man standing in the M&M bowl. Why? Because edible blue foods are rarely found in nature. Consequently, we lack an automatic appetite response to blue. Some diet plans even suggest the use of blue plates to help you eat less.
However, the nutrients found in your chow can often be indicated by its color, which is why painting your plate with food from all the colors of the rainbow (Skittles don’t count) will seriously up the nutritional content of your meal.
Blue fruits and veggies contain anthocyanins – antioxidants that benefit brain function, heart health and lower risk of high blood pressure and cancer. Finding blue foods to complete your psychedelic plate masterpiece is important, but hard. So we found 5 of the best and bluest for you:

Gif courtesy of tumblr.com
Blue Carrots

Photo by Becky Hughes
Believe it or not, most carrots farmed before the 17th century were a dark purple color. These veggies contain all the health benefits of ordinary orange carrots (vitamin A and beta-carotene) and are rich in anthocyanins proven to improve memory and enhance vision. Roast ’em up and top them with dip for an easy gourmet-looking snack. Recipe here.
Concord Blue Grapes

Photo by Caitlin Shoemaker
According to World’s Healthiest Foods, Concord grapes are an awesome source of vitamin C and carry all the health benefits of blue (and anthocyanins full) produce. If not enjoyed plain, try em out in wine, juice and jam.
Blue Pansy Flower

Photo by Karen Chou
Ditch the fruit and make your own edible arrangement with real flowers. These sweet thangs look make your bowl of mixed greens taste and look its best. Garnish them on top of cupcakes or add them to a spring salad.
Blue(ish-purple) Sweet Potato

Photo by Margaret Weinberg
Ditch the boring beige potato. Try out these taters and delight your housemates with breakfast- purple pancake edition. While occasionally found at Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods Market, your best bet is to buy these suckers during the summer season at your local farmer’s market.

Photo courtesy of instagram.com
Lingcod is a kind of fish, surprisingly not related to the cod family at all. The Lingcod’s flesh is bright turquoise- but only stays blue before it’s cooked. (Bake, broil, deep-fry, grill or steam.) Incase your local fish market doesn’t carry these swimmers, lingcod is conveniently available for online sale.
Check out more ways to go color-your-plate-blue-happy (and healthy):