It’s the beginning of the school year and still prime beach and baseball games season. The cold weather hasn’t hit yet and neither has your heavy homework load. Join us at LUC Spoon for a chance to be involved while still having fun and maintaining ample amount of free time. We’re looking for people who eat, people who love food, writers, photographers, marketers, social media experts, event planners, and videographers.

We at Spoon offer you an opportunity to join an activity that revolves around everyone’s favorite thing: food. Show your parents that you’re getting off to a great start this school year and doing more than just being a 63 and Wrigleyville regular.

1. You’ll become the most in-the-know foodie on campus.


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Because when you know, you know. Don’t let someone else try to tell you what’s good and trendy. Be the one who knows when cool restaurants are opening or which small restaurant just became the place to be. Someone has to be the trendsetter, why not you?

2. You can eat and have it look good on a resume.


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Who doesn’t want to be able to build their resume by eating? With marketing, writing, and many other experience-building opportunities, you can combine credible resume-worthy skills with eating around Chicago. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too.

3. Hello internet fame.


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Everyone knows that these days you’re only as cool as your social media presence. With over 1,100 Instagram followers on our account and over 204,000 on the official Spoon account, we can help you learn how to maximize your connection to people through social media, while giving you a little recognition too.

4. You have an excuse to explore Chicago 24/7.


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You never really need an excuse to venture downtown and explore. However, Spoon gives you the perfect excuse to tell your parents and friends for why you just have to go downtown to eat out instead of spending another night in the dining hall.

5. Connections, connections, connections.


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Spoon is basically one big, happy, international family. With chapters all around the world, your networking potential is limitless. Spoon Headquarters hosts city meet-ups for other chapters to meet and big food events in New York City (shoutout to BrainFood) for you to meet other people in the food and media industry.

6. You are a true foodie.


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You’re the first person people contact when they need a restaurant to bring their parents to or for a date or for a really cool food Instagram to diversify their feed. Whether you’re trying a new restaurant or grabbing food in between classes, everyone knows that you only choose the best. You appreciate food not just for its reputation and appearance, but it’s taste and nutritional value. You hope that one day, someone will stare at you the way that you stare at food.

To apply, visit and click on “Join?” You can also reach out to Loyola’s leadership team by emailing Rush Spoon 2016.