No one likes going to the dentist, so naturally, going to an oral surgeon to get your wisdom teeth out is substantially more dreadful. What’s even worse than that, you ask? Figuring out your post wisdom teeth extraction diet.

You don’t have many options when there are literally four holes in your mouth, accompanied by a puffy face and severe discomfort. Here are a few ideas to bring some pain-free happiness to the dark days of the healing process.

1. Mashed Potatoes

wisdom teeth

Photo by Noor Gill

When the doctor’s orders are to avoid solid food, this is actually medical permission to eat heaps of mashed potatoes. Be sure to avoid the lumps. If you chomp on one that is like the Titanic hitting the iceberg. It won’t end well.

2. Ice Cream

wisdom teeth

Photo by Noor Gill

If a mashed potato binge wasn’t enough, this is also the perfect time to eat unacceptable amounts of ice cream. While you might not be “screaming” for ice cream in these few days, your incoherent mumbling can still express excitement.

3. Spinach and Lentil Soup

wisdom teeth

Photo by Noor Gill

While you could easily live on ice cream forever, eating something healthy during the healing process wouldn’t kill you, either. A hot bowl of homemade soup is a safe and healthy option, and it’s definitely more exciting than plain ol’ chicken broth.

4. French Style Hot Chocolate

wisdom teeth

Photo by Noor Gill

French style means that it’s richer than normal hot chocolate and can be made as more of a dessert than an actual drink. Melted chocolate chips churned with steamed milk? Okay, so recovery could be worse…

5. Smoothies

wisdom teeth

Photo by Noor Gill

They will get you through this awful time and your body will thank you. Try to avoid berry smoothies, as the seeds can still get stuck in the wound. An apple-banana-mango smoothie is a tasty and seedless choice. Also, drinking with a straw is not recommended because you can get a dry socket (promise, you don’t want that), so use a spoon.

Having other medical issues? Spoon’s got you covered: