This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at PSU chapter.
You suggest Panera for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Anytime your friends can’t find you, they know exactly where to look.
You’d rather study in Panera than the library.
Photo by Caitlin Wolper
Nothing can compare to the lemonade and you have no problem spending an extra $3 for it.
You enjoy playing 20 questions with the cashier because you know exactly what he is about to ask.
“Yes French baguette is okay, yes here’s my Panera Card.”
Photo by Caitlin Wolper
When relatives ask what you want for Christmas, your answer is always a Panera gift card.
People try to tell you its overpriced but it doesn’t stop you from eating there everyday.
Words you never want to hear: “We’re out of bread bowls.”
The You-Pick-Two is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Photo by Caitlin Wolper
And the broth bowls were about as disappointing as the time Neil Patrick Harris hosted the Oscars.
The day Panera announced they were delivering through OrderUp was the best day of your life…
And if they stopped delivering it would naturally require a day of mourning.
Photo by Caitlin Wolper
You can’t imagine going back to regular mac n’ cheese after eating Panera’s.
The bagels are straight out of carb heaven.
You don’t understand how anyone could not like the broccoli cheddar soup.
You give major side eye when people take forever deciding on what they want.
Photo by Caitlin Wolper
Only newbies stand and wait for their food to be ready – you rely solely on your buzzer.
And no matter what your mood you can always count on Panera to make you happy.
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