Fast food workers make frying seem so easy. But every time I’ve attempted to fry something, I’ve been spattered with hot oil when placing food in it. This tip will make frying so much easier and a hell of a lot less painful.

Step 1: Heat up your oil.

Fry burned

GIF by Cassandra Bauer

No need to be afraid of it getting too hot, just make sure to have a thermometer.

Step 2: Let’s get salty.

Fry burned

GIF by Cassandra Bauer

Add salt, preferably iodized salt to the oil. Don’t worry about mixing it, the frying process will do that on its own.

Step 3: Drop stuff in.

Fry burned

GIF by Cassandra Bauer

Drop in your food, and be amazed how the oil doesn’t spatter and bite back.

Step 4: Share your secret with everyone.

Fry burned

GIF by Cassandra Bauer

Everyone will be so much happier once they know that frying will no longer be painful.