
9 Comfort Foods to Get You Through Inauguration Day

January 20, 2017 is a day that will live in infamy. It's the day that President-elect Donald Trump will begin his attempt to "make America great again." As Trump is arguably the most controversial presidential candidate the US has ever seen, lots of Americans are are experiencing anxiety, fear, and sadness as his move to the oval office draws near.  

If that wasn't enough to get you at your feelings, there's the added emotions that come from President Obama, Michelle, and their daughters ending their run as The First Family.  With emotions running so high, you're going to need some delicious food to binge eat and comfort you during this historical transition day. Here are the nine best comfort foods to eat while you tearily scream, "Thanks Obama."

1. Baked Mac and Cheese

Nothing cures the blues like a whole lot of cheese, and this easy recipe takes things to the next level with bread crumbs. The first bite will taste just as perfect as Obama's brilliant farewell address.

2. Cheesy, Bacon-Filled, Twice Baked Potatoes

A potato is a food that's as loyal to you as you are to monitoring Obama and Joe Biden's bromance, and these potatoes take your own bromance with the reliable starch one step further.  Not only are they twice baked and topped with cheese, but they're also filled with bacon. If the ceremony is upsetting you, nothing will get you out of a funk like the crunch of bacon.  

3. Warm Chocolate Cake

Sometimes the only thing to mend a broken heart is chocolate.  This cake recipe is as short as a tweet from Trump, but a whole lot sweeter.  

4. Crispy Fried Chicken

Fried food is good food, and fried chicken is arguably the best of them all. If Trump taking his oath is too much for you to bear, find solace in some warm, crunchy goodness. 

5. Chocolate Banana Pudding

When's the last time you treated yourself to a cup of pudding? This super easy recipe will give you something sweet to distract you from wishing it was four years ago and Beyoncé was singing the national anthem. 

6. Challah French Toast

There is no greater comfort than delicious breakfast food.  The first bite of this soft and sweet dish will make you forget that Obama will never host another White House Correspondent's Dinner again. 

7. Fluffy Mashed Potatoes

The phrase "a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down" should really say "a spoonful of mashed potatoes."  The dish will bring you the comfort you feel every Thanksgiving — just try not to think about the fact that Obama will never pardon another turkey

8. Homemade Ice Cream

Channel your inner Joe Biden, and get some ice cream that's so good, you won't believe you made it yourself. Hey, if channeling Joe doesn't work, you can always just ugly cry and stuff your face instead.  

9. Strong Vodka

Okay, so this isn't technically a food, but it might be exactly what you need to get you through what's sure to be the craziest Inauguration Day yet.  

If you're busy fearing the future or already longing for the past, remember your best friend that's always there for you: food. So, let's get the Obama memes rolling, make sure to mute Trump on Twitter, and start preheating the oven (or salting the rim of your margarita glass).