
I Made Brazilian Lemonade & It's Perfectly Bittersweet

There's always a drink of the summer. In the past, we've had the Dirty Shirley, the espresso martini, the cosmopolitan, and the porn star martini. But with more people than ever opting for a bevy without alcohol over a boozy option, I predict this summer's drink will be the (booze-free) Brazilian lemonade.

What is a Brazilian lemonade?

Despite its name, this drink is not made of lemons, but limes. For a full history, check out our explainer on the Brazilian lemonade. But all you need to know is it's a blended mixture of whole limes, water, and condensed milk. 

What does a Brazilian lemonade taste like?

To my surprise, a Brazilian lemonade isn't all sweetness. Because the entire lime is blended (then strained out), there's a touch of bitterness to perfectly balance out the sweetness you get from the condensed milk. And the creaminess is to die for. It has the texture of a diner-style egg cream in the best way.

How to make a Brazilian lemonade

I did some testing and came up with a batch Brazilian lemonade recipe that'll quench the thirst of about four people. And you only need to purchase two ingredients: limes and condensed milk. You'll also need a blender, a strainer, water, and ice. If you want to booze this up, I suggest throwing in some vodka. And don't worry about it curdling as condensed milk is different than regular milk.

Here's the Spoon Brazilian Lemonade recipe:

Brazilian Lemonade

  • Prep Time: 2 mins
  • Cook Time: 6 mins
  • Total Time: 8 mins
  • Servings: 4
  • 2 limes washed
  • 1 14-ounce can condensed milk

Felicia LaLomia

Step 1

Trim and quarter of your limes. Add to a blender with 2 cups of cold water. Blend until well combined, about 30 seconds. Strain at least once (twice for those who don't lime pulp) and add back to the blender.

Step 2

Add a handful of ice and about half a can of condensed milk, depending on your sweetness preference. You can always add in more later. Blend until well combined. Taste for sweetness and adjust. Serve over ice and garnish with a lime wedge.