
Say Goodbye To Melted Popsicles With This Stanley Cup Hack

They’re sustainable, they’re trendy, and they’re cool. Stanley cup tumblers are one of TikTok’s newest obsessions, and we get why — their sleek handles, huge capacity, and option to switch between the straw and the wide-mouth opening — the Stanley cup is not only aesthetic but a highly functional water bottle. In addition to all these features, TikTok brings us another secret Stanley cup hack: they can be used as mini coolers for your frozen treats.

TikTok user Kellie Atkinson (@kellie_atkinson) shared a brilliant Stanley cup hack to keep your summer treats cool and frozen. Atkinson first adds two big scoops of ice to the bottom of a Stanley cup, and then she fits six popsicles vertically into the Stanley cup. Finally, she tops off the Stanley Quencher with another scoop of ice on top and pops the lid on top. And just like that, the Stanley cup and your popsicles are ready to go for a beach trip, a picnic, or a pool day.

The comments are filled with disbelief at the cleverness of this Stanley cup hack and excitement at how game-changing this hack is for summer treats. This Stanley cup hack is perfect for families, as TikTok user @rocketfeathers commented “Staaaaahp I never thought of this. My kids gonna be HYPED at the pool this summer.” So are we, tbh. The Stanley cup can fit enough popsicles to share with your family and friends, or maybe all for yourself, we don’t judge. Another TikTok user @geauxtigers24 commented “I feel like I have totally been living life wrong before tiktok was a thing,” and we’d have to agree. Thank goodness for TikTok wisdom and Stanley cups!