
The Best "Check Your Child's Halloween Candy" Memes That'll Make You Wish You Could Still Trick-Or-Treat

With Halloween right around the corner, that means one thing, the candy is about to be plentiful in your place. Whether you take Reese's Cups and Kit Kats from your younger siblings' stash or buy a huge bag of Snickers, Twix, and M&M's to keep in your dorm, one thing is for certain. You have to check your Halloween candy. And no, I am not referring to the old-school candy tampering myths. Frankly, I don't know a person out there who has the time or money to add razor blades into apples or delicately poison a bunch of Starbursts. Though you don't have to worry about finding these in your chocolate haul, you might have to check your Halloween candy for these other things. These funny "Check Your Candy" memes are keeping us diligent this year. 

1. Invasive Species

TBH, I am down to get a new pet as a Halloween treat. I mean, look how cute that American bullfrog is. I want to give him a little forehead kiss. 

2. Jada Pinkett Smith

At first, you'll think you're eating just a Snickers, but then, you'll receive weird, unnecessary celebrity gossip that will just bum you out. Putting the "trick" in trick-or-treat.

3. Samara From 'The Ring'

This is a revelation! I thought she could only climb through TVs, so this is a big day for her. 

4. Jason Voorhees

Speaking of horror movie icons, this one is stepping outside of his day. Friday the 13th is yours, Jason, don't ruin Halloween, too, mmkay?

5. The Poison For Kuzco

Watch out for this, you might spend the end of your Halloween night as a llama, which would completely ruin your adorable DIY costume

6. The Mighty, Mighty Bosstones

Some people may be disappointed to find a ska band in their candy bar. To that, I say... at least it's not a country artist. 

7. Oxford Latin Dictionary

I mean, I know dictionary sales might have taken a dip, but come on Oxford. Your marketing department needs to find another way. 

8. Beanie Baby

Start collecting these Beanie Babies now. These will soon be the most important currency in the U.S. I still believe that to be true!