
Your Guide to BC Study Spots for Finals

Studying is awful. Finals are awful. Your routines are screwed up. Nothing makes sense. Sleep isn't a thing. But the worst part about finals, you may ask? Finding the perfect study spot. Look no further, because here is your guide to all of the places in and around campus that are perfect to get your studying done. 

O'Neill Library

Going to the library during finals? Be more basic, you can't. I'm just kidding. But seriously, you're going to have a hard time finding a seat in O'Neill during finals. Personally I stay away because you get the people who haven't been to the library since last finals acting like they own the place. Suddenly your favorite seat is taken over by freshman loudly complaining about Wolfman gen chem and you're getting nothing done. Just don't be that asshole who breaks the unspoken eating rules in the library. 

Bapst Library

Similar to O'Neill, although the Bapst studiers like to think that they're more hardcore, you're going to need to fight your way to a seat in Bapst during finals. You literally cannot find a place with a tenser atmosphere than Bapst during finals. However, I personally think that this atmosphere allows for prime focus. Also speaking in Bapst is unbelievably frowned upon so you'll have minimal distractions. Been in Bapst so long your legs won't function? Try one of these library workout moves to keep your blood flowing. 

Theology and Ministry Library

While it isn't open 24/7 during finals like the rest of the libraries on campus, this place is the hidden gem of libraries during finals. If you frequent the library but have a hard time going there during finals, the Theology and Ministry Library is the perfect place to study in an atmosphere you're comfortable in without facing the crowds. Unfortunately it's on Brighton campus so it's not as accessible, BUT it is super close to Dunkin so you can get your caffeine fix on the way. 


I would give up my first born child if I could guarantee a spot studying in a classroom Stokes South for every finals season of my life, TBH. And no, that's not even the slightest bit dramatic. I personally think classrooms are the best place to get some studying done because you get to be in the same atmosphere you learned the material in (which must help you remember it while studying, right??) and you have enough room to spread out. Classroom spots aren't for everyone though, because they're so elite you have to wake up SO early to get one.

Boston Public Library

The BPL is an amazing place to get some work done. It's quiet and the environment is scholarly without being too stressful. Unfortunately the WiFi isn't always working quickly, so if you have pressing study matters on the Internet I would get them done beforehand. #SpoonTip: get there right when the library opens so that you can get a good seat, this place fills up with all of the local college students looking to study.

McMullen Museum

The McMillan Museum, BC's art museum on Brighton campus, is offering extended hours during exams so that students can have a great place to study. They're also setting up extra tables so that as many students as possible can take advantage of this study space. If you want to get away from the stressful vibes of main campus and be in a peaceful, artistic environment, this is the place for you. 

Coffee Shops in Boston

Perks of living in a city are the unbelievable coffee shops. Coffee shops have awesome study vibes and you can get all the caffeine you need there. You also get to escape campus for a few hours, which is nice during finals when nobody at BC knows how to smile anymore. Check out these coffee shops that have all of your study needs. 

The Quads on Campus 

Spring finals are only great because of the weather. I remember the dreaded feeling of waking up and trudging through the snow to pour over statistics for hours in December, but that isn't an issue in the spring time. Take advantage of the sunny and warm days in Boston by sitting out on one of BC's many quads to do your studying. People watching can be a slight distraction, but the Quads are a perfect place to go over flashcards or study guides. 

Regardless of where you like to study, I think we can all agree that finals suck. But I hope y'all make it through. At least there's one good thing about finals szn- once it's over, we get three months to recover. God bless.