
The Types of Teas for Your Troubles

There seems to be a tea solution for every one of the world's problems. Not really, but it sure can help with a lot of common problems people face on a daily basis. At my apartment, we have a whole cart full of different types of teas, waiting to cater to all our various issues. If we’re sick, cramping, stressed, or in pain, we reach for the perfect cup of tea. I’ve curated a list of tea aliments you should be using for a variety of common complications.

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is no fun. It’s caused by some of the foods we love the most, making it harder to avoid. Spicy food, fatty food, caffeine, sugars, carbonated drinks, and alcohol all contribute to this terrible ailment. The next thing you know, there’s nausea, heartburn, belching, and/or regurgitation.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just avoid all those disgusting symptoms forever? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to eat whatever we wanted without having to worry about a fiery ball popping into our chests?

Yes, but of course, it’s not that simple. In order to prevent acid reflux, you really do need to change your diet, but luckily, there are some tea-treatments that can mitigate some of the symptoms we all loathe. 

For one, avoid mint. It might help with the nausea and indigestion that can accompany acid reflux, but it will actually enhance or trigger your sphincter muscle to relax, allowing stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus and cause or worsen heartburn. Stick to caffeine-free herbal tea, which are milder on your digestive system.

1. Slippery elm: Can help calm the agitates digestive tract tissues.

2. Licorice: Helps increase the mucus coating in the esophagus as well as reduce stomach acid. It’s known for its anti-inflammatory properties since it stimulates the production of cortisol, which reduces inflammation in the body naturally.

3. Ginger: Assists with the nausea and is a natural stomach soother.

4. Lemon: Adding acid can actually help— in many people, acid reflux is caused because of a lack of enough acid.    


Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the world, affecting around one-fifth of the population, and it’s only getting more common. It can cause panic attacks, breathlessness, dizziness, poor concentration, and irritability. It has the power to be debilitating and difficult to live with. While tea probably won’t immediately turn you carefree, it can help with some of the symptoms.

And even without an anxiety disorder, many people still feel some levels of anxiousness or stress for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you have a final coming up and it’s stressing you out, or maybe your significant other hasn’t responded to you in a week and you’re worried, or you just maxed out your credit card and you’re terrified your parents just might lock you up until you’re forty.

Whatever the reason might be, there are natural ingredients you can use in your teas to make the days just a little bit less stressed.

1. Chamomile: While it has never been determined what exactly makes chamomile so helpful, it has been proven for hundreds of years to ease anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

2. Mint: The main active ingredient, menthol, is a natural muscle relaxant which helps you calm down. It’s also good for nausea since it relaxes the stomach muscles and stops the tight feeling accompanied with vomiting.

3. Passion flower: Shown to have anti-anxiety benefits.

4. Lavender: Antioxidants in the plant can reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body.


My fellow females, I know we have all suffered through hideous menstrual cramps at all times of the day. It feels like someone has reached inside you and happily twists your insides with knives. Of course, accompanying this unwanted pain is bloating. Being puffy and curled up on the floor in pain is far from ideal, so I recommend you get up, get some tea, and fight that contracting uterus.

1. Rose: According to a 2005 study conducted in Taiwan, rose can treat abdominal pains, menstrual cramps, and digestive issues.

2. Ginger: Can be just as successful in treating menstrual cramp pain as ibuprofen, due to pain-relieving anti-cramping compounds.

3. Mint: helps relax the muscles in the uterine walls.

4. Cinnamon: like mint, is antispasmodic and anti inflammatory.

5. Fennel: Alleviates bloating due to a compound that relaxes gastrointestinal spasms.

6. Chamomile: Shown to offer the same benefits as taking aspirin.


As students, we barely get enough sleep as is, having to study into the late hours of the night to cram for quizzes and exams. Partying on the weekends until 3 a.m. often doesn’t get us the rest we need, either. But what if, when we actually finally got into bed and closed our eyes, we couldn’t fall asleep?

A large portion of college students find it hard to fall asleep at night, even after a grueling day of classes and extracurriculars. And some of those who do get to sleep experience interrupted poor-quality sleep. Lack of sleep has been shown to directly relate to academic performance, and I, for one, do not like the sound of that.

So possibly with these types of teas, sleep and good performance are possible!

1. Chamomile: Proven to help people relax and fall asleep.

2. Passion flower tea: By increasing the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain, it can lower brain activity and lead to better sleep.

3. Lavender: For thousands of years, lavender has been used to induce sleep and relaxation because of the plant’s ability to lower blood pressure and heart rate.

Sore Throat/ Cold and Cough

Getting sick is the worst. Just the worst. With these tea solutions, for once, you don’t want to stay in bed. You want to be healthy and go out and have fun. Feeling like the devil made his home in your throat is more painful than I can explain. Sore throats inhibit your ability to EAT. How tragic is that? And all that coughing and sniffling and the people turning to look at you in public…

In addition to the pills and syrups we take when we’re sick, try drinking these types of teas—nature’s medicine.

1. Rose: Since it has a large quantity of Vitamin C, it can help fight infection and ease the soreness (add honey!).

2. Marshmallow: the root of the plant contains a “gelatin-like substance” called mucilage, which lubricates and covers the throat.

3. Licorice: Anti-inflammatory qualities help soothe a sore throat by acting like aspirin.

4. Mint: The main active agent, menthol, can work as a decongestant.

Weight Loss

Whether it’s a medical condition, or people are under the impression they ate too many tacos (which is not possible, by the way), or they just really want to fit into those jeans, people have their own reasons for wanting to lose weight. Substituting these teas instead of sodas, coffee, and juices can help you get there.

1. Rose: Has no calories.

2. Oolong: Aids weight loss by quickening metabolism and increasing fat burning.

3. White/Green: Both have substantial amounts of catechins, which can help weight loss. A study in 2008 also showed evidence linking green tea to decreased weight and fat.

4. Matcha: Matcha and green tea both come from the same plant, the difference being matcha is the whole leaf dried and ground up (so it contains more nutrients). The biggest antioxidant in green tea is EGCG, which is linked to weight loss benefits.

A variety of flavors of tea solve a variety of problems—it seems like such a simple solution. Hopefully, the next time you have one of these issues, you'll reach for one of these types of tea. A whole cartful isn't always needed in order to grab some quick relief, but it never hurts!