
Budget-Friendly Food Survival Guide for Any Study Session

College is typically known as the period in a student's life in which they develop stronger study habits. Whether it's just knowing how to study efficiently for target grades or knowing how to consistently do their best, students formulate ways in which they can maximize their focus and drive. But with a go-to study spot, set study techniques, and ready dedication to achieve, which aspect is sometimes an afterthought in students' developed study routines? Food. 

I'm sure even food-lovers can admit to detaching themselves from their food-fueled habits when they want to focus on studies and other attentive tasks. Many turn to staying fueled with caffeinated beverages, numerous snacks, fast food, and other default options. But just as your study plan becomes habitual after some time, your study session food prep can be easily integrated as a simple but vital component in your study routine.

Even better, your bank account doesn't need to be sacrificed for the sake of your maximum productivity goals. Resorting to the quickest food services near your study spot does not have to be your most efficient option! Create a food strategy by knowing your individual food preferences and eating habits and by using these budget-friendly tips fueling your productivity:

Enjoy Your Food Breaks

You typically look forward to lunch and snack breaks on your less-tasking days yet might consider food breaks as an inconvenience during study sessions. Study breaks are important! Hunger definitely distracts, and you save the most time by having your meals and snacks at the ready. Always love food breaks.

Cost-Effective Caffeination

Some of us may love our fancy coffee drinks more than we would like to admit. But the Starbucks bills add up quickly when it becomes a frequent source or when you need that extra cup. Get yourself used to the less fancy coffee drinks. A decent drip coffee will provide you with needed caffeine at a lower cost. 

Is coffee never enough or not your preference? You can better manage the cost of your energy drinks too. Buy your energy drinks in a pack or bulk, so you get the best price per drink.

Stay Hydrated

So simple but so imperative! There are so many health benefits to drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Get in the habit of drinking more water and you will feel the difference! (And don't even think about skimping out on the water to minimize bathroom breaks.)

Keep a water bottle with you during your study sessions and know the closest locations for refills.

Get Nuts About Nuts

Nuts are full of protein and will keep you full. Eat them whole. Eat them as a nut butter paired with your preferred fruit or carbohydrate. Keep a supply of a few of your favorite options to pack and rotate through on your trips to preferred study location.  

Super Smoothies

We know a good smoothie is fresh, nutrient-packed drink that will keep you satiated. Keep one handy during your study session. Keep the costs low by buying pre-made smoothie in bulk or by making your own.

Smarter Ways to Stay Full

Remember to prep your study session meals and snacks with the intent to stay satiated. Don't overdo the snacks and forego meals. Do keep your favorite food items stocked so you don't overpay for the same things elsewhere.

Include the types of snacks that will help you stay full longer, so you don't have buy and bring insane amounts of study-appropriate food. Sometimes people bring excess granola bars, basic sandwiches, etc. when it would be better limited to fewer items with better ingredients.

For example, instead of bringing 3 PB&J's, bring 1 sandwich or wrap packed with your choice protein and veggies as well as a more-filling ingredient like avocado or hummus. Filling and non-repetitive!

Bonus Tip: If you make most of your meals on a regular basis, integrate your study session meal prep into that week's grocery run. Save money by using similar ingredients in your study session AND at-home eats for that week. Get a versatile set of items to keep things interesting while keeping the cost down.

Want more food-fueled study inspiration? Check out these other Spoon articles:

7 Study Snacks That Won't Get You Kicked Out of the Library 

6 Quiet Library-Proof Snacks

7 On-the-Go Meals to Take to the Library During Finals Week