
Omurice Is the Next Instagram Rockstar

If you like covering your eggs in ketchup, you will instantly fall in love with omurice. Omurice is a Japanese dish that usually consists of only 3 key ingredients: an omelette, fried rice, and ketchup. It is a yōshoku, which literally translates to "Western food" — hence the omelette and ketchup. Bar Moga in New York City has taken this dish to a whole new level:

It's easy to see why this dish has been taking over Instagram: it's so easy to get trapped in a rabbithole for hours watching these perfectly fluffy omelettes explode into the rice beneath them. We went to Bar Moga to learn the secrets behind this next-level yolkporn. When it comes down to it, there are only three essential components: 

1. The Rice

The rice in omurice is typically fried with chicken and ketchup, and sometimes other ingredients like vegetables. The fried rice is then encased covered by...

2. The Omelette

Bar Moga's version of omurice places these fluffy, perfectly-cooked eggs of goodness on top of the fried rice, so that the omelette "explodes" when you cut through it, with its soft and creamy innards running down into the pile of fried rice. It's just so decadent!

3. The Glaze

Homemade omurice typically finishes the dish with a (generous) drizzle of ketchup, whilst restaurant or more updated versions top it off with a demi-glaze made with beef or veal stock and Espagnole sauce.  At Bar Moga, their demi-glaze also contains red wine and tomato paste. Mixing the three components together, every mouthful is a great pleasure. 

The best part? You can wash it down with a sake or shochu cocktail!