
The Best Alcohol to Pair with Your Favorite Halloween Candy

Let's be honest, as a college student Halloween is the perfect excuse to dress up however you want and drink all weekend. My favorite part about Halloween is that I can go out with all my friends and eat as much candy as I want to. To make your Halloween pregame even more exciting this year, I've created a list of some Halloween candy classics to pair with some college-budget alcohols so no matter what you're drinking, you'll always know which candy to binge eat with it. 

Captain Morgan and Twix

Pairing a dark rum with a Twix bar is like pairing peanut butter and jelly – they go perfectly together. The darkness of the rum will be nicely balanced by the lightness of the cookie and chocolate, and the caramel will just pull it all together.

Tequila and Warheads

Since cutting limes can be a pain, I suggest you use a Warhead instead after your shot to really cut the taste. Not only will you skip to pre-party prep, but you'll also get to see your friends experience the sourness of a Warhead. 

Stawberry Lemonade Svedka and Gummy Bears

Soaking gummy bears in vodka is a great way to drink your alcohol and eat it too, but using gummy bears as a chaser also has the same effect. Plus, the sweetness of the gummy bears will be a refreshing chaser after the harsh and cheap vodka that you just swallowed.

Natty Light and Candy Corn

For all you lovers of tradition out there, I suggest pairing a traditional college beer, like Natty Light, with a traditional Halloween candy, like candy corn. It's like drinking beer and eating popcorn, only Halloween themed.  

Lime Burnett's and Skittles

I know what you're thinking, "oh God Burnett's!", but trust me. After any shot of this cheap vodka, any flavor of Skittles will be just sweet enough to take away from the harshness of the lime flavor.

Red Wine and Hershey's Dark Chocolate

What's better than a glass of smooth red wine paired with a rich piece of dark chocolate? I'll tell you: a red solo cup of Franzia Cabernet paired with a mini Hershey's dark chocolate bar.

Jack Daniel's and Reese's

I am a firm believer that peanut butter makes everything better, even whiskey. So for all you whiskey drinkers and non-drinkers out there, pair it with a Reese's and you won't be sorry. 

Straw-Ber-Rita and M&M's

I love chocolate-covered strawberries, but those tend to be a lot of work and a lot of mess for a pregame. But pair a Straw-Ber-Rita and a pack of M&M's together and it's almost the same thing.

Malibu and Almond Joy

Go ahead and make yourself a Malibu mixie, and while you're sipping, take a bite of an Almond Joy. You'll feel like you're on the beach in the Bahamas, not in a cramped dorm room pregaming.

André and Starburst

If you want to be really classy at your pregame, serving fruit and champagne is the way to go. If you want to be classy on a budget then serving André and Starburst is the way to go.

#SpoonTip: Drinking Andre and eating orange Starburst is basically like having a mimosa – you're welcome.