
Home Cooked Meals from Each of the Bachelor Contestants' Hometowns

This week is the hometown round of everybody's favorite source of Monday night reality TV, The Bachelor. Nick Viall will visit each of the remaining four contestants' homes to meet their families and see where they grew up.

Every family and every home town comes with its own traditions - all the way down to the food. Here is a typical home cooked meal from each of the remaining contestants' hometowns.

1. Raven

Raven is from the small town Hoxie, Arkansas where life revolves around family, faith and football. A lot of people might feel a little bit of a culture shock from visiting a town so small, but Hoxie is just what Nick is used too.

Hopefully the couple remembers to save room for dessert because Possum Pie might sound scary, but I promise there is no road-kill on the ingredient list. This chocolatey pie is an Arkansas staple and could be Raven's ket to getting a rose this week.

2. Vanessa

For this hometown date, the pair is going to have to make sure they remember their passports because Vanessa is from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The only thing Canadians might be more passionate about than hockey is their Tourtiere.

This meaty pie, is classic Canadian comfort food that helps fight the cold northern air. If the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, then Vanessa is a shoe-in.

3. Rachel

Everything is bigger in Texas, so on Rachel's hometown date get ready for a massive rack of BBQ spare ribs. Dallas, Texas is famous for their barbecue and nothing says home like a cookout. 

SPOILER ALERT: Since we all know Rachel is the next Bachelorette, she obviously is not the girl for Nick. Could it have to do with Nick not being able to handle to grill? I guess we'll have to wait and see...

4. Corinne

When Corinne is not eating cheese pasta and sliced cucumber, the Olympios family probably eats Ceviche sea side. With such a strong Hispanic influence in Miami, this classic Latin American seafood dish is frequently served in Florida.

Will this spectacular seafood dish be enough to distract Nick from the fact that Corinne is a 26 year old woman with a nanny or will he run back to the Bachelor mansion?

Hometown dates add another level of stress every season of the Bachelor. Watching Nick's awkward conversations with skeptical family members and the guaranteed amount of tears, might have us eating our feelings just like Corinne. 

Try out these Bachelor hometown favorites to get a taste of the real thing because I'm sure this will be the most dramatic episode yet.