
14 Foods to Help You Recover From Your Valentine’s Day Sugar Binge

For those of us who spent Valentine’s Day cuddling cartons of Ben and Jerry’s, finishing off boxes of chocolate in bed, or hitting the cookie dough rolls so hard you never made it to the actual cookies…. no shame. You are not alone, nor judged, for anything you did nor ate on February 14.

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But the next day, many of us are experiencing a very real, very painful sugar hangover. If this is you, these 14 foods can help:

1. Water

Photo by Caroline Liu

Okay, yes, this is a drink not a food, but it’s too important not to highlight. Sugar robs your body of water (rude, I know) so when you awake on the fifteenth with the candy wrappers in your bed, the first thing you should do is grab is your water bottle. Flush it out people, flush it out.

2. Coconut Oil

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All aboard the healthy fat train. The fat in coconut oil gives your pancreas the post-sugar love it needs while simultaneously protecting against bacteria growth in your stomach. If you don’t have this staple in your pantry, you not only are depriving your sugar-laden body of the nutrients it needs, but are missing out on a DIY make up remover, moisturizer, hair mask, deodorant, sunscreen, soap, aloe, and the million other things coconut oil can be used for.

3. Cinnamon

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Studies have found that cinnamon helps regulate blood-glucose levels and lower blood sugar in the body. So, whether you sprinkle it on your oatmeal, toss it in your smoothie, or decide to throw things back and attempt the cinnamon challenge, get that spice in your post V-Day life.

4. Chlorella Tabs

Photo courtesy of @sun_chlorella on Instagram

Yes, you should eat algae. The list of benefits that these tiny tablets has is endless. In terms of sugar, chlorella lowers acidity levels in the body and will help balance out your chocolate stained blood stream.

5. Kombucha

Photo by Taylor Lashley

Basically, your gut hates you after you binge on sugar, and kombucha is the key back into its heart. The probiotics in this drink will rebalance the good and bad bacteria in your gut, and from there it’s smooth sailing down the digestive track. If you don’t want to buy any, just make your own.

6. Ginger

Photo by Kendra Valkema

When the candy wrappers pile up, and the ice cream cartoons trickle down, oftentimes your tummy begins to twist. For those of us who have a tragic case of the sugar-induced tummy ache, ginger is what we need. Bonus points if you drink the ginger-flavored kombucha.

7. Avocado

Photo by Samantha Thayer

Like coconut oil, avocado is a healthy fat-bottomed food that helps balance blood sugar levels. Take this invitation to hit up your favorite brunch spot for avocado toast, or whip up some of mama’s famous guac, and you’ll be that much closer to waking up from your sugar coma.

8. Peppermint

Photo by Caroline Grew

We’re not talking about York wrappers. Peppermint, specifically peppermint tea, naturally aids digestions and acts as an anti-inflammatory. Go crazy with the York’s the fourteenth and crazy with the tea the fifteenth.

9. Pumpkin Seeds

Photo by Tallie Gabriel

Sugar depletes you of magnesium, a mineral that literally every organ in your body needs. ¼ a cup of pumpkin seeds contains nearly half the amount of daily recommended magnesium. So, despite it being February and there no longer being pumpkin displays in the aisles of every grocery store, show pumpkin seeds some love post-sugar high.

10. Hummus

Photo by Keni Lin

The fiber in humus will help stabilize your blood sugar while the protein will help fight off the cravings excess insulin causes. It’s a double whammy so cut up your veggies, pull out the pita, and start dipping. P.S it’s surprisingly easy (and healthier) to make your own, so if you really wanna get on the right track, rinse some garbanzo beans and break out your food processor.

11. Eggs

Photo by Megan Prendergast

Scrambled, over easy, with hash browns and ketchup? Any way you like them is how you should eat them post-sugar binge. Eggs are a hearty source of protein and will help burn off the built up excess sugar.

12. Kale

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It solves all your problems no matter how much you hate it. This alkalizing green will restore balance and fight off inflammation. Sauté it, blend it, juice it and take a shot, make ice cubes out of it, whatever you need to do to get this in your diet will help.

13. Sauerkraut

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Like Kombucha, this fermented food will do wonders for your gut. It’s basically sour cabbage and though it may not look or sound appealing, it is a great addition to your sandwiches or on top a sausage.

14. Brown Rice

Photo courtesy of Sarah Stettin

Breaking up is hard to do, but moving on is even harder. This applies to your sugar binge break up. Brown rice is a fiber-filled whole grain that will keep things moving right along and (no shame in this either) give you some serious scrolling time on the toilet.

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