
What You Should and Shouldn’t Eat If You Want to Eat Like Shay Mitchell

If you’re like me, finding out how our favorite celebs are staying in top shape while keeping Instagram feeds that mirror that of a foodie’s is fascinating. I mean, yes, they have personal trainers and the nearest juice bar on speed dial, but we still need to know if we can do it for ourselves without all the frill and $$$. Thanks to her growing YouTube channel, we can take an even closer look at what Shay Mitchell’s day-to-day diet looks like. Here’s how you too can eat like the Pretty Little Liars star.

Always say yes to pizza

Photo courtesy of @shaym on Instagram

No, seriously. Shay is big on not depriving herself of her favorite food: pizza. Her secret is nothing but a little hard work. She admits to eating a whole pizza, just squeezing in an extra work out the next day. Take a look at her Insta to see just how far this pizza obsession goes. True #goals.

Choose homemade more than not

Photo courtesy of @shaym on Instagram

Eating out can burn a hole in your wallet and tip the scale not in your favor when done in excess. When you make your meals at home, you ensure that what goes in your body is 100% approved by you. One of Shay’s go-to meals is Gratin, an authentic French dish. Watch her and co-star Ian Harding make the recipe in this hilarious video, which is part of her popular playlist, Shay’s Kitchen.

Healthy carbs are the best carbs

Photo courtesy of @shaym on Instagram

Everyone knows that fruit has a substantial amount of carbohydrates, but they’re natural, healthy carbs (hence the high-carb/low-fat movement). Besides pizza, Shay makes sure to include plenty of nutritious carbohydrate content into her daily intake. The easiest way to do this is adding some fruit to your breakfast, which could include Shay’s staple: half a grapefruit or a handful of berries.

Go local

Photo courtesy of @shaym on Instagram

Two words: farmers market. She has several market hauls up on her channel, which shows that if you really want to eat like the actress, you gotta splurge on the good stuff. Everything from bok choy to fresh berries and purple cauliflower (yes, the purple is necessary) make the biggest difference. Shopping at markets also makes sure that what you’re getting is seasonal and fresh. Plus, it makes you feel good for supporting local farmers.

Put hot sauce on everything

Photo courtesy of @shaym on Instagram

Got hot sauce in your bag? Well, Shay does, so now it’s your turn. A little spice never hurt nobody, and if anyone lives by that rule, it’s her. Shay is known to put hot sauce on everything, which according to her assistant Sammy, also includes broccoli soup. Remind me to try that next time.

Shay’s diet is as close to a non-diet as you could possibly get, making this how-to attainable, fun, and healthy without taking pizza out of the equation. See you at the farmers market, Shay.

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