
What It’s Like to Wake Up On a Sunday Morning in Iowa City

Oh, Sunday morning. It’s either the best or worst day of your week.

If you made the responsible decision to spend you Saturday night at home, then you probably feel like a boss waking up without a pounding headache. If you decided to start your night out with a Brother’s liquor pitcher and then chased it with a stein of Bud Light, a headache is probably the least of your problems.

As a senior who has spent many times in both positions, I will give you some insight into what it’s like waking up in Iowa City on a Sunday morning.

9 am:

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Sober: Up and at ’em and probably making your way to the kitchen for a good wholesome breakfast. You’re probably feeling great and ready to carpe that diem. You may even go to the gym.

Hungover: You’re for sure still sleeping. It’s best to rest up, you have a long day ahead of you.

10 am:

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Sober: You exercised, congrats. Now you are really going to make the most of your day and take a nice walk through campus to the library. You know what they say, a Sunday well spent brings a week of content.

Hungover: You are maybe just starting to wake up and are already regretting that final fireball shot last night. But it’s ok, you remembered you left half of that Mesa pizza on the counter. Breakfast of champions.

11 am:

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Sober: As you strut your way through downtown, you take in the peacefulness and silence of the Ped Mall. It’s a rare occasion. Hey, it might actually be warm and sunny out, all that FOMO you had staying in last night is probably melting away.

Hungover: That leftover pizza was the best and worst decision you’ve ever made. You make the preemptive decision to get back into bed and binge watch Netflix. Make sure you close those blinds, who needs the sun anyways?

12 pm:

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Sober: Congrats on getting your work done, now it’s time to reward yourself. You call some friends up and make the toughest decision you’ll make all week: a margarita with chips & queso on the patio of Mondo’s, or a stein at DC’s paired with a juicy burger. Decisions, decisions.

Hungover: You made it to noon, you champ. Laying down is making your hangover feel worse and worse. Do you take a step out onto your balcony for some fresh air, or try to sleep the headache away? You go with the latter, because standing up seems equivalent to the effort of climbing Mt. Everest at the moment.

1 pm:

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Sober: You’re still basking in the sun of beautiful Iowa City, not a care in the world. What to do the rest of the day? You could sit on the patio along the river at the IMU, you could spend some time at College Green Park throwing discs, or you could grab some fro-yo and take a stroll around town. The possibilities are endless.

Hungover: Maybe you’re feeling worse, maybe better. At the end of the day, who cares about a hangover? You got to spend another night out in the greatest town in the world.

Love Sundays? Here are some bomb breakfast recipes for your morning: