
The Epic Stuff You Missed at Brandeis Spoon’s Bake Sale

For November’s #SpoonSenses event, Spoon Brandeis decided to be SENS(E)itive to global issues and co-sponsor a bake sale with two pro-Israel groups on campus. Students for Accuracy about Israeli and Palestinian Affairs (SAIPA) and Brandeis Israeli Culture Club (BICC) teamed up with us to bake sweet treats to sell in our student center.

Sure you missed delicious pumpkin and banana bread, slutty brownie cake and sugar cookies. But the experience you missed was more than the value of these treats combined.

Photo by Haliana Burhans

Over the past month there have been a series of terror attacks in Israel on innocent civilians. Unfortunately, this is nothing new since Israel faces conflict and violence all the time. Since the media doesn’t always portray what goes on accurately, we wanted to bring awareness to the situation and show our support for Israel and the victims of terrorism.

The proceeds of our bake sale ($300!) are going to the OneFamily Fund, a nonprofit organization that rehabilitates, reintegrates and rebuilds the lives of Israel’s thousands of victims of terror attacks. Their mission is to bring Israel’s victims of violence together into one self-supportive family.

Photo by Haliana Burhans

Through our event we were able to educate consumers about this ongoing issue since many aren’t aware of what’s going on right now in Israel. We also brought our Brandeis community together through our work with other clubs on campus as well as have our own Spoon bonding time while baking.

Overall, we can happily say this event was a success. Not only was it fun, but we also brought awareness to a very important conflict going on in our world today.

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