
This Healthier Hot Chocolate Puts Swiss Miss to Shame

Healthy hot chocolate is all I’ve been seeing on Instagram stories lately. Bloggers like @shutthekaleup, @chickpeainthecity, and @addictedtolovely have been killing the hot chocolate game, sprinkling all sorts of superfoods into their healthy human concoctions.

This recipe is inspired by these lovely ladies, and will satisfy your hot chocolate craving without any added junk. Most packaged brands (think Nestlé, and Swiss Miss) have corn syrup, corn starch, refined sugar, and gelatin in them.  

This recipe uses cacao, which is not cocoa spelled wrong, but actually something entirely different. They are both derived from the cacao bean and used to make chocolate, but cacao is processed in low heat and therefore can retain all of it's enzymes, vitamins and nutrients.

Cocoa, on the other hand, is processed in high heat and, because of this, loses some of its nutrients. Most hot chocolate recipes call for cocoa, but cacao can taste just as good — I promise. 

This recipe also has turmeric to boost your immune system (especially important this time of year), maca to balance your hormones plus give you an energy boost, healthy fats to keep you full, and antioxidant-rich cinnamon to fight disease. However, if your pantry is not currently stocked with these goods and is looking more like your bank account (empty and in need of an end of the year bonus), fret not because all of these extras are optional. You really just need the milk, cacao powder, and maple syrup to make this delicious treat. 

Healthier Hot Chocolate

  • Prep Time: 5 secs
  • Cook Time: 5 secs
  • Total Time: 10 secs
  • Servings: 2
  • 2 cups milk – I used and recommend Califa Farms Toasted Coconut Almond Milk
  • 2 tablespoons cacao powder
  • 1 teaspoon maca powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon ghee
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 date pit removed
  • Baked coconut chips to top

Sydney Emerson

Step 1

Bring two cups of milk to a boil.

Sydney Emerson

Step 2

Reduce to a simmer and stir in cacao powder and maca powder.

Sydney Emerson

Step 3

Stir in turmeric and cinnamon.

Sydney Emerson

Step 4

Transfer to a blender, add in coconut oil, ghee, maple syrup, and your pitted date.

Sydney Emerson

Step 5

Blend, transfer to mug and top with coconut chips.

Sydney Emerson