
Fake Your Way to Adulthood With These Brie and Jam Roll-Ups

Who knew that brie and jam was such a good combination? These quick roll-ups made of just bread, brie cheese, and jam make the the perfect breakfast (or snack) finger food with its delectable and sweet gooeyness.

Brie and Jam Roll-Ups

  • Prep Time: 8 minutes
  • Cook Time: 2 minutes
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Servings: 6
  • Easy
  • 6 slices of bread
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 6 slices of brie cheese
  • 4 tablespoon jam

Photo by Hui Lin

Step 1

Cut the crust off each slice of bread.

GIF by Hui Lin

Step 2

Take a rolling pin, plate, or anything else you have lying around and flatten each piece of bread.

GIF by Hui Lin

Step 3

Spread jam on each slice of bread.

GIF by Hui Lin

Step 4

Cover jam with brie cheese.

GIF by Hui Lin

Step 5

Roll each slice tightly with the cheese on the inside until the they’re in nicely rolled up tubes. Squeeze them tight so they don’t unroll.

GIF by Hui Lin

Step 6

Add butter to a large skillet and melt it on medium heat.

Step 7

Place your roll-ups on the skillet. Using tongs, occasionally rotate the roll-ups until every surface is golden brown.

GIF by Hui Lin

Step 8

Remove from the skillet and enjoy these gooey treats.

GIF by Hui Lin

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