
How to Make Chocolate Milk From Scratch

After trying chocolate milk for the first time last week and detailing what it can do for you, I decided it was time to class it up a little. How long can you squirt Hershey’s syrup into a glass of milk and still find it enjoyable? As fun as it is to be five years old again, it’s just as fun, if not more fun, to be older and sophisticated with this refreshing drink. Read on for a classy and classic recipe to share with your roommates.


Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 8 (1 cup = l serving)
2 liters (8 cups) low-fat or non-fat milk
6 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 dashes sea salt
¼ cup honey

1. Combine all ingredients, except the honey, in a blender. (Tip: If your blender is too small for 8 cups, use only half the milk and mix the other half in at the end.)

Photo by Hannah Lin

2. Start to blend, and slowly add the honey into the mixture.
3. Blend on high for 30 seconds.
4. Pour into a large container with a lid and store in the fridge.

Photo by Hannah Lin

5. Shake well before serving.

Photo by Hannah Lin