
Tuscaloosa’s Hidden Gem

Located about ten minutes away in from the University of Alabama’s campus is a quaint little ice cream shop called Ingram Farms. Not only do they sell Blue Bell ice cream, they also have fresh produce, jelly, boiled peanuts and flowers.

They always have twelve different flavors on display, but the selection changes depending on when you go. They’ve got Mint Chocolate Chip, Cookies and Cream, Vanilla, Cookie Dough, Orange Pineapple, Cotton Candy, Birthday Cake, Strawberry Cheesecake, Butter Pecan, Rocky Road, Cherry Vanilla, Chocolate and my personal favorite… Cookie Monster. Cookie Monster is a vibrant blue ice cream filled with Oreo’s and cookie dough. It is! Be wary because this ice cream will turn your mouth blue, and you’ll be lookin’ like Papa Smurf! There are waffle cones, cake cones and cake cones dipped in chocolate…. WHAT’S UP! This is an ice cream lovers heaven. They also have several toppings to choose from and make milkshakes. Oh, yeah, those milkshakes are only $2! WHAT?!?! THAT’S RIGHT!

Photo by: Virginia Dodenhoff

Here’s a picture of all their sizes so you can mentally prepare to take down The Gigantic!

Photo by: Virginia Dodenhoff

Ingram Farms is in the process of moving into a new building where they will also be serving homemade pies and cakes along with their ice cream! WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!

Courtesy of

Oh, you though there was only ice cream? Well on the bottom of the new building there is a little secret concession stand called Mr. Bob’s Place. Here they sell freshly-made gourmet popcorn and pork rinds. (They make new batches every morning!) Salty or sweet, any flavor you can think of… they’ve got it. Their Voodoo pork rinds are something you need to experience, and the classic kettle corn popcorn is divine. For a huge bag of popcorn, it’s only $5, and for a bag of pork rinds, it’s only $3! My stomach and my bank account are happy campers. They also will be selling classic sac lunches including pickles and a dessert of your choice. It’s a perfect location if you are headed to the baseball games right across the street and need a snack!

Photo by: Virginia Dodenhoff

This blue building with the white and red stripes steps is the perfect place to hangout after a long day of classes or on the weekend. Ingram Farms and Mr. Bob’s Place are open daily from 8am-10pm. Stop on by, it’s 100% worth it.




Want more snacks to munch on? Check these out!