
Make your own ice- cream at Cream Chemistry

Ever wanted to make your own ice cream?

Ever wondered what goes into making an ice cream from the basic atomic level? 

How can something look that colorful and still taste that good?

Why couldn't you just be Einstein and solve these questions? 

You have comet  to the right place my friend.

Cream Chemistry

Though it might not solve any of those questions for you or turn you into Einstein, the interior of the place,  preparation of the flavored delight , the periodic table of ice cream flavors, and just about everything awakens your inner genius. 

It has three branches located in Bangalore, one in Koramangala, another in Frazer town and the last in Sahakara Nagar. 

With almost 90 flavors on its menu, that's not the only impressive thing this ice cream place has to offer.   

The theme of the place is Chemistry and it makes sure its customers know all about it, from breakers and test tubes lying around, to being served the ice cream with smoke coming out of it (Its dry ice and it didn't touch any bit of your ice cream). It certainly leaves you spellbound.

If your already impressed, wait util you hear this-

You can make your own ice cream!

Starting with the base of your choice (I personally recommend strawberry cause its just #goals), and moving onto toppings, add-ins, and everything to make you get the best brain freeze ever. This place is like the Beyonce of ice creams.

(Side note- approximately 400 for 2 people)

Make Right choices, and choose food over anything! (preferably this ice cream)