
Why You Should Attend the Country’s Largest Ramen Fest

Looking to bond with fellow Trojan foodies over some of the best ramen from L.A., the Bay, Las Vegas, Hawaii and Japan? Come join Spoon staffers and other foodies on campus at the largest ramen festival in the country on this Saturday.

New to ramen? Spoon’s ramen connoisseur’s will also be available to give you a run-down on the different types of ramen if it’s your first time.

When and Where: This Saturday, 3/29, we will be meeting at the turnout by PSX in front of EVK at 10:30 a.m.

Cost: Entry to the festival is $5 and each bowl of ramen is $8. Those under 17 get in for free…and parking is $4.

Once all the responses are in, we will send an email to you to confirm your attendance by Friday at 12 p.m.

More info available here.

Sign up at this form by this Friday at 9 a.m.

Here’s a video by Yokocho: