
Ratatouille-Themed Restaurant Opens at Disneyland Paris

No more rat scraps for Remy. Disneyland Paris will open up a new 370-seat bistro that centers around Ratatouille but serves up more than just elegantly compiled veggies. The restaurant’s décor makes the diners feel like little rats, but like cute rats that have access to Pinterest. Bottle caps and champagne corks serve as chairs and checkered jam jar lids serve as tables. Larger-than-life salt and pepper shakers are littered around the restaurant along with massive wine bottles and plates.

Photo courtesy of Disneyland Paris Facebook

The menu of course includes ratatouille in addition to a small selection of traditional French cuisine: steak-frites, simple salads and a cheese course. Giant profiteroles filled with vanilla ice cream finish off the meal, complete with a fondant figurine of Remy. There’s not a lot of choice on the menu so you just have to trust Chef Remy’s expertise, which is probably pretty legit considering the transformation he made with Linguine. Waiters’ outfits will mimic those of the front-of-house staff in the movie and are thankfully not humans dressed up as giant rats.

Photo courtesy of Disneyland Paris Facebook

The restaurant is set to open July 10th along with the rest of Place de Remy which includes an adventure ride and a small cityscape of Paris (who knew rats were into surrealism?) Unfortunately, my adventures abroad have just ended so I won’t be able to experience the little chef’s creations, but it’s definitely going on the bucket list.

Photo courtesy of Disneyland Paris Facebook

Want to channel your inner veg head? Check these out.