
13 Food-Related Yahoo Answers That You Can't Help But Face Palm At

Yahoo Answers is the go-to place to satisfy your curiosity, whether you're wondering about the length of the Earth or if eating 52 pizza rolls will kill you (because who doesn't think about that?). However, there is a small proportion of the human race that ask questions that just don't need to be answered. So, here's a selection of some of the most stupid food-related questions to ever be asked on Yahoo Answers (and possibly ever in the history of the world)

1. The Worrier

But not to worry, Yahoo Answers' "medical advisers" were on hand:

2. The Prankster

Unfortunately, some Yahoo Answers users took offence at this classic prank:

3. The Hot Dog Revenger 

Clearly some sort of revolution is underfoot:

4. The Logical Flaw

Thankfully someone had some sense:

5. The Word Inventor

Sadly, Chef Ramsay's suggestion was already taken so users had to resort to more creative answers:

6. The Genius

And of course, a good question deserved a good answer (read to the end):

7. The Salad Lover

Let's just say, Yahoo Answers users weren't impressed:

8. The Snitch

Nobody likes a snitch:

9. The Microwave Chef

One Yahoo Answers user was particularly shocked by this master chef:

10. The Rebel

People have already started rallying behind the cause:

11. The Fresh Gasser 

Unfortunately, his master plan was doomed to fail:

12. The Wrong Peanut

Don't worry, responsible adults were on hand to explain the situation:

13. The Masterchef

For one Yahoo Answers user, the question was just too difficult to decode:

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