
Why You Should Actually Be Drinking Coffee Before A Nap

Napping – aka the Holy Grail to everything college – keeps us functioning throughout the school day and is the vehicle that fights off the all too frequent food coma. With finals just around the corner (sorry to remind you), napping is even more of a necessity.

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There is a problem with napping though: because it’s the best thing ever, you rarely feel motivated to get out of bed and actually be productive. Sometimes, you even wake up feeling more exhausted than before, like how you feel after feasting on an entire Thanksgiving turkey (food lovers, I know you understand).

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The solution? It’s as easy as drinking a good ole cup o’ Joe. Yep, the delectable caffeinated drink that’s supposed to prevent you from falling asleep can actually improve your power nap. All you need to do is gulp down a cup of coffee right before you lay down to catch those zzz’s.

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The science behind it is simple: Caffeine in coffee takes about 30 minutes to come into effect, so consume it right before a 20-30 power minute nap, and you’ll wake up reaping the energizing benefits of both caffeine and napping. Plus, it prevents you from wasting your day away.

Now you can spend less time napping and more time working on that ten-page paper you’ve procrastinated on – or just watching Netflix.

Need inspiration for your pre-nap coffee fix? Be a productive procrastinator and search these articles for ideas: