
7 Ways to Use the Whole Foods Whole Body Section

College is not easy by any means. As fun and rewarding as it can be at times, it is also filled with stress, sleepless nights and colds. You will inevitably fall victim to the Freshman Year Plague and you won't have the energy to take yourself to a doctor, let alone to a pharmacy to pick up OTC meds and throat coat tea. However, there are plenty of things that you can do to kill a cold at the first sneeze or keep allergies at bay that does not involve sitting in your university’s health center. 

If you happen to live by a Whole Foods, hit up their Whole Body section. They have everything from deodorant, to candles, to supplements which makes it easy to find all of the natural remedies you need to help ease the struggle of college life.

1) Oregano Oil

Spring is beautiful but it can also be a major buzzkill when you are living off of tissues. The Whole Body section has a bunch of natural remedies to help with seasonal allergies. Try their Nature’s Way Oregano Oil which is linked to supporting the immune system, as well as, being an oil that is known for helping with allergy related symptoms.

2) Boiron

You can use Boiron tablets for literally anything. Their display also comes with a pamphlet you can take to understand what concentration of tablet you need and how much water is needed to dissolve it.

3) 365 Eucalyptus Oil

Rubbing Eucalyptus Oil on sore muscles can help relieve tension and pain. Eucalyptus can also help with stress levels.

4) Aura Cacia Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is great for relieving headaches and anxiety. Roll this oil across your head to really knock a headache out.

5) Hyland's Under the Tongue Dissolving Tablet

Be warned, this will not taste good, but will knock out migraine's better than any ibuprofen. 

6) Yogi's Kava Stress Relief Tea

This tea is great for when you're inevitably balancing three papers, two exams and that presentation you forgot about. As college students we're all too familiar with feeling some brain overload, this tea works wonders for just that. Also check out Yogi's Relaxed Mind tea too!

7) Roll on Aura Cacia

Trouble sleeping? Look no further. Be sure you are putting oils on places where you can find your pulse so you can smell them.

One awesome reason to get these products at Whole Foods is because of what is NOT in them. The products in this article, as well as, all of the the Whole Body products at Whole Foods pride themselves on not having any of the 75+ unnatural ingredients that are in common drug store body and wellness products.

Do not be afraid to try homeopathic remedies because they are deemed to be voodoo medicine. They are great ways to help ease symptoms, and on occasion cure them. They can also save you time and money. One $5-$10 bottle of oil that you can dab on your head for a migraine is a lot cheaper in the long run than stocking up on Tylenol or waiting at your school's health center.  The Whole Body section is the hidden gem of Whole Foods so be sure to check it out the next time you go.