
We Tried the Craziest Nut Butters You’re Too Afraid to Buy at the Store, Here’s What We Found

Find yourself overwhelmed by the peanut butter aisle these days? Us too. Since when did 3 flavors turn into 30?

Lucky for you, we taste tested all of the craziest nut butters you’re too afraid to buy. We rallied the most adventurous troops we could find (cross country athletes who run an ungodly distance daily for fun) to try each one and asked for their verdict. Yay if they would take it home, or Nay if it were better off left on the shelf.

The Results:

Maple Bacon: NAY

Photo by Sarah Knight

“WHAT?! Bacon?!”
“Would never eat this. Unless on pancakes. Or waffles?”
“I feel like my dog would eat it.”
“Um… Nay.”

You might be better off leaving this one for the dog’s bowl and not smooshed between your morning bagel.

Cappuccino: YAY

Photo by Sarah Knight

“Do you think it wakes you up?”
“I can literally smell the coffee in the air when you open the container.”
“I’d eat that by myself, by itself.”
“I’m just sayin’ wouldn’t buy it, but if it was a Costco sample, I’d take like five.”

I would be the first person in line at Costco if they were handing these samples out, that’s for sure.

Cherry Butter Toffee: YAY

Photo by Sarah Knight

“It’s good, but I don’t get a cherry vibe. But it’s good.”
“Cherry toffee, ok, I can be frisky.”
“I’d rub this all over myself.”

I don’t know about rubbing it all over myself, but smearing it on some whole wheat toast sounds pretty magical.

Chocolate Almond Butter with Sunflower Seeds: NAY

Photo by Sarah Knight

“That’s disappointing. I’m disappointed. I’m so disappointed right now.”
“It has a grittiness.”
“That’s really upsetting. I was really excited for that one.”

How could the classic chocolate and almond combo ever be disappointing? Try this nut butter and you’ll figure it out real fast.

Cinnamon Raisin Swirl: YAY

Photo by Sarah Knight

“It tastes like a legit cinnamon raisin bread.”
“I like. Yay.”
“Mmmmm. Tastes like dessert.”

Cinnamon raisin swirl peanut butter smeared on top of warm and sticky toasted cinnamon raisin toast? Um yes please.

Coconut Almond Butter: NAY

Photo by Sarah Knight

“Too almondy for me.”
“I like it, but I don’t like it, ya know what I mean?”
“The coconut is too faint.”
“It’s really sweet, you would get overwhelmed if you put it on a sandwich”

Sadly the coconut forgot to show up to the party on this one. The almond becomes that annoying drunk girl who takes up the entire dance floor thinking she can break it down like Beyoncé while the coconut is no where to be found.

Coconut Peanut Butter: NAY

Photo by Sarah Knight

“Tastes like lotion. Tastes like I’m eating coconut lotion.”
‘Wow that’s really coconutty.”
“It’s too sweet.”

I don’t know about you, but eating coconut flavored lotion is not at the top of my culinary bucket list. Might as well use this one as a hand moisturizer.

Chai Spice: YAY

Photo by Sarah Knight

“You can really taste all the spices.”
“I’m surprised I like it, but I like it.”
“Mmmmm, yay.”
“It tastes exactly like a chai latte.”

Anything Chai Spice flavored is a giant YAY in my mind and this nut butter is no exception.

Cookie Nookie: YAY YAY YAY

Photo by Sarah Knight

“Oh my god! There’s chocolate chips in it!”
“It tastes just like cookie dough.”
“That’s dangerously good.”
“I think I’m gonna take a lot of this one.”
“Can I buy that from you?”

Watch out peanut butter, there’s a new and improved nut butter in town. Yeah, that’s right, I said Cookie Nookie peanut butter with wild honey, chocolate chips, and cookie dough is infinitely better than boring old peanut butter. Don’t believe me? Spread that stuff on your next bagel and welcome to heaven.

Special thanks to Sarah Knight and Erin McDonald for their help with this nutty adventure

For some killer recipes using your favorite nut butters, check out these articles: