
Vote for Your Favorite Pop-Tarts Flavor and Win Cash Money

It’s 2016, which means it’s officially election season. We’re teaming up with Pop-Tarts to find out which flavor is most popular among college kids as the toaster pastry of our adolescent dreams hits the “campaign trail.” Stay tuned over the next few months to find out which flavor is the winner. Did you guys even know they have PB&J Pop-Tarts now? Or Watermelon? Where were these when we were in middle school? Oh, we’ll also be handing out lots of free Pop-Tarts on some lucky campuses in a few months. Get excited.

But first, tell us a lil’ bit about yourself below for a chance to win some cash, and be sure to visit at the end of January to start voting for your favorite flavor.

This survey is no longer active.

For more Pop-Tarts, read on: