
5 Treats to Travel with That'll Remind You of NYC

These past few winter months have been quite brutal for those of us that call New York home. A popular small-talk topic in NYC is always the weather (and how unapologetically cold it is)—we long to switch lives with our friends going to college in cities where 70 degrees is just another Tuesday.

But now, it’s Spring Break and we New Yorkers are headed to some warm, sunny destinations. While we certainly won’t miss the weather that forces us to layer heavily and bundle up, we sure will miss many of the New York-specific treats so many of us are used to. So for those of us leaving this wonderful city over break, here are some treats to throw in your carry-on that’ll remind you of NYC.

1. Milk Bar birthday truffles

2. Baked by Melissa mini cupcakes

3. Bantam Bagels' bite-sized bagel balls

4. Martin's Pretzels from Union Square's Greenmarket 

5. Cookies from Levain Bakery 

These treats are all on the smaller side, making them easy to pack in your carry-on, whether they are to snack on on the plane or to break out when you miss NYC during your travels.

Wherever you're headed, eat up, and enjoy!