
What You Should Actually Be Putting On Your Toast Instead of Avocado

BREAKING NEWS: Our dear friend avocado toast (in all of its salt-and-pepper, hot sauce, pomegranate seed, goat cheese topped glory) has officially been Instagrammed, Pinned, hashtagged, tweeted and eaten to death. He’s been overused, overexposed, and is quite frankly just getting old.

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The good news is that there is a new toast topper in town. Basically avocado’s twin sister. Her name is banana.

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Now here is where you’re probably thinking whaaa? I’ve seen banana toast already—in fact, all the time. Throw a little peanut butter on a piece of toast, slice banana into coins, and there ya go. During which time you’re stuck doing something like this:

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But here’s where the banana proves us wrong. Instead of the boring old banana slices that sometimes slide off the toast or leave you with a bland bite of no banana at all—this banana toast revolution changes everything because the banana is MASHED.

Bananas, like avocados, have a ton of health benefits, but also fruit for breakfast/snacks makes more sense anyways. So mash that baby up just like an avocado and violá. It’s the perfect time to put bananas like this to use:

Photo by Grace Goettman

Because they’re too mushy to slice, you’re starving, and you can’t wait for banana bread to be made—all you have to do is peel back one section, take a fork to it…

Photo by Grace Goettman

And then spread it on toast…

Photo by Grace Goettman

Welcome to the world of eeeeeendless banana toast possibilities. Think of how many more bread opportunities alone we have now. Avocado on cinnamon swirl bread? Don’t think so. Mashed banana? Heck yeah. Here are a few fantastic examples to get you inspired. Start banana-mashing.

The Classic

Photo by Grace Goettman

Mash up your banana and spread on toast, sprinkle a little bit of salt (Trust me on this one, also avocado’s twin sister remember?) and then some cinnamon, top it off with a generous drizzle of peanut butter.

The BPB & Jelly

Photo by Grace Goettman

Mash up that banana, spread it on toast, add your favorite peanut butter (or almond butter), and top with a sweet and fruity jelly. Banana. Peanut butter. Jelly. BPB + J.

The Tropical Vacay

Photo by Grace Goettman

You know the drill. Once your plain banana toast is prepared, add mango slices, coconut flakes and drizzle with honey for a trip to the tropics.

The Decadent Dessert

Photo by Grace Goettman

Just when you thought things couldn’t get better. After the toast is assembled add chocolate chips and sprinkle with a chocolate powder like Ovaltine. The hot toast will warm up the banana and the chocolate powder will become nice and melty. Finish with blueberries. Yeah. #Blessed.

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So there you have it. Banana toast is officially new to the toast scene and is starting to steal the spotlight that has been resting on avocado toast for far too long (Avocado availability could also be in danger, so save ’em for the guac people). Go bananas.

This sh*t is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S.