
The Ultimate Guide to Reusable Foodware: 5 Alternatives to Replace Your Plastic

Are you trying to reduce waste but don't know how to do so beyond taking your Hydroflask with you wherever you go? Since food and food packaging create so much waste, it's time to think about how it impacts our world and how we can change our lifestyle to become more sustainable. Use these reusable food items that will benefit your wallet, stomach, and the environment!

1. Reusable Sandwich Bags

One-use plastic bags are officially uncool now. They are toxic to the environment and lack biodegradability, so save some money and save your world instead with reusable sandwich bags. These are made of cloth, and sandwiches and snacks can easily be transported to your next destination. Most are made dishwasher safe, so they require minimum effort to clean.

2. Metal Chopsticks, Sporks, and Reusable Silverware

Metal chopsticks are perfect for dining at home and taking on the go. It beats out one-use wood chopsticks because you won't feel the burden of tossing wood in the compost every time you eat. They also beat out reusable wood chopsticks; they're easier to clean and dry, and you won't have to worry about what kind of bacteria may be harboring inside. 

3. Silicone Tupperware

Silicone tupperware is the ultimate all-in-one container and I prefer it over glass, metal, and plastic. Silicone tupperware is not only microwave-safe but also oven-safe and freezer-safe. No need to transfer food from tupperware to ceramic plates and bowls, and this means fewer dishes to clean and more time saved. Many of these silicone tupperware containers are made specifically to compact after use in order to save storage space at home and in your bag after you finish eating.

4. Repurposed Glassware

Sometimes, packaging is necessary, and when that's the case, reuse what you already purchased instead of dishing out more money on foodware. Soups, sauces, jams, and pickles often come in glass jars, so you can reuse those to store whatever you plan to cook next, from overnight oats to a mason jar salad

5. Reusable Straw

Since plastic straws are thrown away after one use, they often end up in the ocean if they don't make it to the landfill, and therefore affect sea life. They're fairly unnecessary, so it would have a large and positive impact if we choose to decline plastic straws use at restaurants and at home. In fact, some counties across states such as California and Florida either already have legislation in place banning its use or are moving in that direction.

If you believe that your iced coffee isn't the same without a straw, consider investing in a reusable straw. The most common reusable straws are made of glass, metal, reusable plastic, and silicone, and they often come with a cleaning brush to clean it. They're also sold in different sizes for smoothies, milkshakes, and boba.

#SpoonTip: Take your straw and reusable tumbler to your local coffee or boba shops. They may have discounts for those who bring their own containers.

Working towards sustainability doesn't need to be too difficult. Little actions such as drinking without straws, bringing your own lunch bag, and using reusable cutlery can go a long way.