
The Best Times to Go to Your Favorite Dining Locations on Campus

You practically bolt from your seat after your 8 A.M. lets out at 9:15, because your professor just insisted on keeping you until that final minute. What’s on your mind is not the assignment that excuse me sir, is not due for two more weeks, rather the bacon, egg, and cheese awaiting you on that double toasted sesame bagel. Your half sprint to Einstein’s doesn’t beat the line that seems to wrap around the continent 80 times, but you wait anyway because it’s Einstein’s. And you’re hungry.

With finals right around the corner, the last thing we all need is wasting time in lines to get food. No need to get in a panic any longer, with the help of Lines App, here’s when it is best to go to all your fave spots on campus. All the food, none of the hassle:


Photo by Rebecca Poole

One of the most popular places on campus from open to close (M-F 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.), Einstein’s creates some of our favorite combos. Throw in a large vanilla iced coffee and your day is instantly better. But with that line peaking right after class, adding 15 minutes to the already average 28 minute wait, sometimes you just have to go with a granola bar from Larry’s.

Best time: 25 min. after class. Class ends at 2? Wait until 2:25.

Busiest: MWF 12-1, T/TH top of the hour.


Photo by Kristen Eisenhauer

There’s nothing that will keep a college student from their Venti Triple Shot Latte, especially right now when you mine as well pack a duffel to the library. The overall average wait is 17 minutes, which is doable, but we can do better.

Best time: Mornings. They open at 7:30, so God speed.

Busiest: 10-15 minutes after class. Wait it out in the lib, then head over.

Grille Works

Photo courtesy of

When you’re craving a juicy burger or perfectly melted grilled cheese, Grille Works in Ram’s Head is the go-to spot. Of course, a well-done burger takes time and waiting in a line to order in the first place tacks on that extra delay.

Best time: 2 p.m.-5 p.m., or for an early lunch before noon

Busiest: 11:55 -12:15, 12:55-1:15, 1:55-2:15 and 5:45-7:15


Photo by Jesse Palma

Everyone’s guilty pleasure on campus is Chick-Fil-A, mainly because there’s usually a good amount of chicken sandwiches to grab and go when you’re in a rush (AKA wait = 0 minutes). However, the times are identical to Grille Works around peak times, so don’t get caught in the lunch/dinner rush because you’ll be stuck waiting for another batch of sandwiches.

Best time: 2 p.m.-5 p.m., or for an early lunch before noon

Busiest: 11:55 -12:15, 12:55-1:15, 1:55-2:15 and 5:45-7:15

Lindsay’s Market

Photo by Kavitha George

Hands up if you’re guilty of waiting over an hour for a rice bowl. It’s okay, I’ve succumbed to the smell of the teriyaki goodness my fair share of times, too. The average wait for a MTO salad or wrap is 12 minutes, which isn’t too bad, but rice bowls are a whole other story.

Best time: 3 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

Busiest: Lunch and dinner rush (see above)

Pasta station in Lawrence

Photo by Judy Holtz

Pasta is arguably the best station in the OG dining hall on campus – Lawrence. You can choose your sauce, endless toppings, and you get a good amount of food. But, that also means the line tends to be longer than most stations in Lawrence. Generally, the wait is around 10 minutes.

Best time: 5-5:30, 6:50-close

Busiest: 5:45-6:45 (dinner rush)

Now you have a better idea of when to go and when not to go the prime dining locations on campus, meaning all the more time to set up camp in the lib and get to work. Or to, you know, continue hitting next episode on “The Office”.

Check out Lines App in the App Store for real-time info on the above locations and more!

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