
The Best Food-Themed Graduation Caps We’ve Ever Seen

In an attempt to make graduation ceremonies slightly more entertaining, days before the main event, college students everywhere whip out their glitter glue and decorate their graduation caps with something meaningful to them.

If you’re a normal college student this usually means a bright, sparkly “thank you” to ma and pops. But if you’re a wanna-be foodie like the majority of the Spoon staff, this will probably be an insanely large version of whatever food you are hooked on at the time.

This cap dedicated to your ride-or-die.

Photo Courtesy of Pinterest

 This flask-cap that is the best thing to happen to graduation ceremonies ever.

Photo Courtesy of Foodbeast

Get the full instructions here.

This cap that no one really understands… but it features spaghetti, so obvs it’s making our list.

Photo by Christine Rogers

 And this cap that features your BFF Pinot Grigio.

Photo Courtesy of

Want more great stuff to distract you from the fact that you’re actually graduating? Check it: