
Spoon University Chapter Launches at UVa

Saturday, November 22, an eager pack of Spoon University members bombarded the famed University of Virginia Lawn to arrange a tailgate for the last home football game of the season.

Photo by Juliet Paterek

Armed with the makings for turkey sliders, speakers blasting Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj, and a silver spoon no less than five feet tall – Spoon UVa writers, photographers, media representatives and editors arranged a fun and festive party to celebrate the launch of Spoon U at UVa.

A photo posted by UVA Spoon University (@spoonuniversity_uva) on

Though a chilly fall day, many members of the UVa community came out to support the launch tailgate. It might have had something to do with the free food available – thank you Whole Foods Market Charlottesville and Caribé Juices. Turkey sliders complete with gravy and cranberry sauce were in abundance, as was as everyone’s new favorite juice, Caribé, co-founded by a former Virginia student.

Photo by Talia Greenberg

Attendees laughed and danced while enjoying the sliders and juice (the passionfruit flavor was a unanimous favorite) while tossing footballs down the Lawn and posing with the giant (and we mean GIANT) spoon. Note: if you want to draw people to your event, giant cutlery is the way to go.

Photo by Tess Kamauff

Thank you to everyone who came out to the event, and please keep on supporting Spoon University here on Grounds. The success of the event was certainly a promise of a bright future for Spoon UVa.

Photo by Talia Greenberg

Photo by Juliet Paterek