
The Key to Surviving the Mid-Finals Week Crash

It’s that time of year again, and I’m not referring to the holidays. Finals week has quickly crept up on us and the studying has commenced. Study spots have been claimed, study groups have been formed and it’s time to crack down. Most students can attest to the fact there will be a significant lack of sleep over the next week, thus caffeine will be our new best friend. While many students resort to coffee as classic caffeine go-to, there are many other products on the market that are not only high in caffeine, but very tasty and nutritious!

Photo Courtesy of ecards

Java Pops

It has been shown that  sucking on hard candy gives the mouth a sensation that sends energy to the brain during extended concentration. Java Pops, coffee flavored caffeinated lollipops, are the perfect option to suck on during your studying. These pops are available in an assorted case which includes french vanilla, chocolate almond, Irish creme, cappuccino and chocolate raspberry.

Morning Spark Instant Oatmeal

Breakfast is known as the most important meal of the day. Morning Spark Instant Oatmeal is a great choice to get your day started off just right. Each packet of oatmeal contains 60 mg of caffeine. It’s like getting the benefits of your morning coffee and breakfast in one!

Photo Courtesy of Juanito Garza


These tasty sunflower seeds are infused with caffeine, taurine lysine and ginseng, all nutrients that have beneficial health effects. Lysine is an essential amino acid that is a necessary building-block for proteinsm while ginseng improves circulation and blood supply. Sumseeds contain only 2 grams or less of sugar for 140 mg of caffeine, which provides a more gradual and sustainable energy boost. They come in a variety of flavors including original salt and pepper, ranch, dill pickle and honey bbq. Go get yourself a bag!

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​BioFUEL-Caffeine Infused Popcorn

Popcorn is an essential snack to much on while studying, and BioFuel- Caffeine Infused Popcorn is popcorn taken to a whole new level. This popcorn is precisely engineered to help promote better focus and performance. A multi-serving bag of popcorn contains about as much caffeine as a few strong cups of coffee. BioFUEL claims that their popcorn is, “Sweet, Salty & Addictively Delicious!” This is an essential snack to add to your study routine!

Photo Courtesy of BioFuel


There are many foods out there that are naturally caffeinated. Chocolate is a bit of a stimulant, as caffeine is naturally found in cocoa beans. Most candy bars generally have less than 10 mg, but the darker the chocolate, the higher the caffeine content. Perfect for refueling, the Snickers Charge bar contains 60 mg of caffeine in just one bar!

Photo By Sean Koetting

Want some more help to get you through finals? Check out these articles: