
The Kettle: A First-Years Best Friend

As an avid eater…well, most people are. As well as a first-year student who is fed up with caf food and the ridiculous hours of operation (6:30pm close), it is absolutely necessary to have a filling and tasty snack ready to go in your dorm room.

Now, originally I brought a kettle to school to make coffee and tea which I did end up doing, however with our caf closing at a time in which most people prefer dinner I quickly resorted to stocking up on cheap snacks that I could eat later each night.

With a lack of appliances in a dorm room, a student is forced to purchase snacks that can sit out in room temperature and are more often than not, quite unhealthy (which isn’t always a bad thing).

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I did dabble in many snacking techniques when the hunger got the better of me around 9pm every night and the kettle has come out on top, because it can produce an array of tasty, HOT snacks that fill that strong void in your stomach. Here are some of the top snacks that I and many other residence students have come to love and all you need is a kettle and some water.

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ALL HAIL: insta noodles are the saviour to the late night munchies, and are perfect to make with a kettle. Just boil water, find a bowl, break up the noodles in the bowl, drizzle it with the fantastic powdered sauce, cover the noodles entirely with the boiling water and toss that psychology textbook you never open on top to let everything percolate.

Photo by Becky Hughes

Now if you’re feeling more inclined to eat healthy or perhaps missed the early breakfast, oatmeal is a great alternative to have and is simple to prepare. Just add enough boiling water to get the consistency you wish and let sit for 2-3 minutes. Oatmeal is also easy to get creative with; you can never go wrong with brown sugar. Or snag some bananas from your cafeteria and throw those in.

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I’ll be honest, I have never tried making soup with a kettle, but I have heard it can be done. First, make a friend with a swiss army knife or someone with the ability to open a can. Second, buy a can of soup that you so happily desire (you can never go wrong with chicken noodle) and make sure that it will fit into your kettle. Third put it in your kettle, cover with water and boil, let it sit for 5 minutes after boil. Finally, open the can with your new friend, and eat it out of the can. Because, well, that’s hardcore.

Photo by David Cui

  This is another tricky one, but who cares; it’s better than sitting in your room studying. Rice can fill you up on a real budget. Also if you want to grab some soy sauce and some vegetables, you’re cooking gourmet, honey. First of all you’re going to want to get basmati rice. Next, wash 1 cup of the rice out somewhere other than the co-ed bathroom. Fill your kettle with 1/2 litre of water and turn it on. Once you hear the water boiling, open the lid and pour your rice in. Let the kettle finish its cycle and then turn it on again. Do this until your rice is edible. It may take up to 20 minutes. Be patient. Throw on the new Kanye album and think about life if time is moving slowly.  


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Finally, I would like to share a kettle creation very dear to my heart. Coffee. Now there are a few ways to create a good cup of joe with your kettle. I like using a french press which is very simple, however, kind of tough to keep clean. You could always use insta coffee, but it won’t give you the same caffeine boost, trust me. Another method is to place a coffee filter in the top of our mug and toss some ground coffee and slowly pour boiling water over the coffee. All are fantastic methods because they all supply you with the sweet nectar of the Gods.


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If anything got you excited throughout this article, like ramen noodles, coffee, or even the kettle itself (which should always get you excited), give these other great articles a read: