
What You Ate During Syllabus Week, As Told by GIFs

The first week of any semester messes with you mentally, emotionally and, let’s be honest, nutritionally. The beginning of a new school year reminds me why the phrase “comfort food” is included in every college kid’s vocabulary.

Whether it’s that early morning class that trampled your dreams of breakfast or the realization that you actually have to cook for yourself again if you want to eat, there are things that happen during syllabus week that we just have to come to terms with (and then hopefully learn from).

Chances are, these GIFs describe those moments perfectly. You are not alone.

You went into the new semester with good intentions. You really did. Making a nice dinner every night was going to be a thing for you this year.

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But when you opened your fridge Monday night, you remembered that trip you never made to the grocery store.

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So you called Mom and Dad and asked if they wanted to make a donation to their child’s “I need to eat” fund…

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And then scourged your pockets for cash when they declined your invitation.

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You procrastinated your first reading assignment by spending over an hour at the store. Then you left with the few things you could afford.

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Almost every morning you slept through your alarm and rushed through breakfast.

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But usually you didn’t have time to finish, so you just grabbed grub for the road.

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By the afternoon, you were so hungry you snuck bites of your lunch in class. New routines make you hungry, we get it.

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But then your new prof gave you the stink eye and you were forced to act like you hadn’t been chowing down in lecture.

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By the end of each day, you came home from class exhausted, drained and craving both a snack and some alone time.

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Then the need for sugar came, as it always seems to during the first week of the semester, and you gave in because you deserved it. Class is harddd.

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By Thursday night, you finally thought you were organized enough to make that nice dinner.

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But then your Mom called to see how classes were going and you couldn’t avoid her (even when your heart told you to do otherwise).

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She talked so long that you eventually gave up and ordered pizza for dinner. Again. #noregrets

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Of course, your stress eating habits returned.

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And so did some of your laziness.

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But when Friday night came around, you pat yourself on the back, gave an arm and a leg to pay for the textbooks you needed, and then celebrated in the best way you knew how.

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