
These Foods Can Ease the Pain of Graduating

The emotions that accompany graduation sometimes lead to adding chocolate to things that don’t need it. I’m being completely honest when I say that one of my New Years resolutions was to find comfort in things other than food. Sometimes, though, it just seems like the most pleasing way of coping. Below you’ll find my best advice for dealing with the feelings of moving out and moving on. Love ya, Lions.

Food You Already Have

First of all, you need to get rid of the weird non-perishables that have survived the entire year in your cabinet. Embrace your creativity with Ramen experiments or multi-flavored jello concoctions. Once you’ve cleaned out the cabinet, you’ll be on your way.

Photo by Hannah Burks

OPM = Other People’s Meal Points

Dining halls are one aspect of campus I definitely took for granted while I still had a meal plan. Before you graduate, convince some young blood to swipe your sorry ass in so you can indulge until you bulge (?). Forget about finals and buying your cap and gown, and immerse yourself in the world of unlimited pizza and chocolate milk.

Photo by Caitlin Wolper

Cafe Tea

I hear alumni reminiscing about Cafe tea all the time. If $7 pitchers of fruity alcoholic concoctions are your thing, head over to Cafe 210 West with some friends (the more tattooed, the better) and relax in the sun.

Photo by Hannah Burks

Canyon Pizza

Whether you go to Canyon every weekend or you haven’t been there since sophomore year, stop by one more time to sink your teeth into the greasy and flimsy pizza that’s worth every penny.

Creamery Ice Cream and Stickies

The last two Penn State pitstops you have to make are the Creamery and the diner. Take a friend or visiting family member to The Berkey Creamery and grab a table outside. Go to the diner and split some stickies with your bae. I feel better just thinking about it.

Photo by Jenna Rosen

Photo by Bari Blanga

So there you have it. Take a deep breath, look deep into your cup of coffee or can of Red Bull and feel a wave of relaxation wash over you. As you ready yourself to say goodbye to Penn State, at least for a little while, don’t be afraid to immerse yourself in the food that’s at the heart of Happy Valley. Don’t worry, we know you’ll be back.

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