
What Your Favorite Oreo Flavor Says About You


Photo by Kraft Foods

You’re everyone’s go-to person. Everyone has the crazy friend and the one that always complains about her boyfriend, but you are everybody’s rock. You know how to party, but you’re a good friend to talk to when you’re needed.

Red Velvet

Photo by Natalie Choy

You are a badass. You do not take anyone’s garbage. You know how to stand up for you and your friends. You do not mess around. Some guy in a bar is giving your BFF a hard time? You show him who’s boss.

Cookie Dough

You are the shy one. You may have all different types of awesomeness inside, but you keep to yourself. You only let a few people in and when you do, it is never a dull moment with you. Others may think you are awkward, but your friends think you are the bee’s knees.

Birthday Cake

Photo by Laura Palladino

You are the party animal. If your friends are looking for a person to show them a wild night, they go to you. Everyone knows that you have the low-down on the best parties for the night. Even your wine nights end up being crazier than you expected. Stay wild.

Uh Oh

You are the funniest of all your friends. You know how to lighten any tense situation. Your friend just bombed one of her essays? You send her a Snapchat of you making an intense double chin. It is a tough task, but somebody has to do it.

Photo by Natalie Choy