
Every Emotion You Feel While Waiting in Line at Chipotle

Chipotle always sounds like a good idea. But you always seem to forget the emotional roller coaster ride you must endure before you get to enjoy its glory. Caught between “this food is worth anything” and “I can’t wait in this line any longer or I’ll cry”, you’ve come to experience the emotional roller coaster ride.

Before you subject yourself to this again, remind yourself of the experience you’re in for. And then, you’ll probably still want to go anyway.

1. Your friends suggest going to Chipotle.

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You know you’re addicted to Chipotle.

2. You walk in and see the line.

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I think the whole school may be in here.

3. How does the line wrap around the entire restaurant?

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I think we know the people causing the hold up.

4. The boredom sets in.

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At least you have time to contemplate many Chipotle things, such as how chipotle changed the fast food industry.

5. You decide you may die of starvation while waiting in line.

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And you move on to contemplating if you should try something new.

6. Why did I ever think this was a good idea?

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Still waiting?!?!

7. But everything looks so good.

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Maybe it’s worth it.

8. Has it only been 10 minutes? Feels like hours.

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You’ve moved on to contemplating the Chipotle documentary at this point.

9. Finally, you’re at the front of the line.

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10. But they run out of rice and you consider skipping it, but you wait.

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It’s the addiction keeping you there.

11.  You order guac. They say it’s extra. You get offended because you are not a Chipotle rookie.

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You were there from the beginning, even stuck it out through the almost guac-pocalypse.

12. Finally you make it.  Success.

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100p worth it.

12. And happiness.

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And the emotional ride is already forgotten about.

Can’t get enough Chipotle?  Then keep on reading these articles (but we recommend to accompany them with some Chipotle).