
The Do’s and Dont’s of Preparing for Houseboats

Every year around Memorial Day, thousands of college students from Davis and beyond gather at Lake Shasta for three blurry days of fun. Whether you’re going for the sun, the booze, or an excuse to take cute pictures, make sure you get ready for Houseboats: the safe way.

Do: Avoid Foods that Cause Bloating

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Unfortunately, your Houseboat’s diet will most likely consist of burgers, chips, soda, and beer, all of which cause major tummy bloat. In the days leading up to Houseboats, decrease your risk of looking bloated by cutting back on simple carbohydrates (like white bread), foods high in sodium, sugary drinks, beans and other gassy vegetables, and even chewing gum, which causes air bubbles to form in the stomach.

Don’t: Starve Yourself

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Starving yourself is absolutely not the way to your most confident bikini body. When you don’t eat for an extended period, your metabolism actually decreases. Your tolerance for alcohol will also be lowered significantly, which is a pretty dangerous situation on Houseboats. So what should you eat? Beat the bloat by consuming oats, yogurt, whole-grain bread, and certain fruits and vegetables. Remember: you won’t be able to have as much fun on Houseboats if you’re starving, so fuel your body!

Do: Drink Lots of Water

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I mean, you really should be drinking lots of water everyday. Drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces of water (i.e. 160 lbs = 80 oz water) leads to tons of benefits like clearer skin, fewer headaches and improved mood. It also will make you feel fuller longer, keep you from drinking sugary, less healthy beverages, and may even help you lose weight.

Don’t: Drink Lots of Beer

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It may be tempting to “train” yourself to drink more before houseboats, but more alcohol = more calories from alcohol. Avoid the dreaded beer belly by sticking to water (see above).

Do: Hit The Gym

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The best way to feel confident in your body before the big day? It’s not starving yourself – it’s physical activity. Exercise has plenty of immediate and long-term effects. Getting some cardio, abs, legs, and arms in before Houseboats will not only help you lose body fat, it will boost your metabolism and your mood.

Don’t: Overexert Yourself

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If you aren’t a regular gym-goer, it’s pretty intimidating working out next to those buff fitness bloggers, and it’s tempting to try to match their workouts. Pace yourself, and do the workout that’s best for you, whether you’re looking for summer abs or a Kim K butt.

Do: Treat Yourself to a New Swimsuit

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At Houseboats, you’ll be living in your swimsuit, so make sure you have at least one you really like and makes you feel confident. Remember, it’s not about what fashion magazines say you should be wearing, based on your body type. Picking a suit that you love is all you need to look hot AF.

Don’t: Treat Yourself to New Shoes

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Or a new bag, sunglasses, or shorts. Honestly, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll lose at least one item during those three long days. Leave your valuables behind and pack only the necessities: sunscreen, a sleeping bag, a disposable camera (leave your phone at home!), a beach towel, swimsuits, cheap flip-flops/water shoes, bro tanks, water bottles, chug mugs, fanny packs, dry shampoo, wet wipes, biodegradable toiletries, and pool floats of your choosing.

Have fun, be safe, and happy Houseboats!

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