
DIY Face and Hair Masks for the Student on the Go

If there is one thing all students can agree on, it's that school is extremely stressful and doesn't leave them with much time to focus on themselves. Everyone should take the time to give their body some much needed TLC. Your face and hair will be thanking you after you use these DIY face and hair masks. 

DIY Face Masks

1. The Honey-Lemon Face Mask


- 1 tbsp honey

- Juice from half a lemon 


Microwave honey for a few seconds until warm to touch (*this step is optional*). Then, combine the honey and the lemon juice and mix well. Gently massage the mask onto your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off with warm water and pat your face dry. Apply your favorite moisturizer.


Honey is antibacterial and full of antioxidants which makes it perfect for acne treatment and prevention. It is also a humectant, a substance that attracts and locks moisture, making honey an effective and soothing moisturizer. Lemon juice is another natural method of preventing and treating acne, thanks to lemon's anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Lemon juice can even lighten dark spots on your face and even out your skin tone. Your skin will be thanking you after this face mask.

2. The Yogurt Face Mask


- 2 tbsp yogurt

- 2 tsp honey

- Juice from a quarter of a lemon 


Mix together all the ingredients and then apply to your face (the more you put on, the better!). Allow it to sit for 15-20 minutes before washing it off with warm water and drying your face. Don't forget to moisturize after. 


There are many benefits to using yogurt as a face mask. Yogurt contains lactic acid which acts as an exfoliate that removes dead skin cells. Additionally, yogurt moisturizes skin, prevents acne and premature aging, and smooths out wrinkles. Is there a reason we aren't all using yogurt face masks?

3. The Salt-Honey Face Mask


- 1 tbsp honey

- 1 tsp salt

- Few drops of olive oil


Combine the ingredients and mix well. Apply to face and make sure to avoid the eye area. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. Dry your face and lather on some moisturizer.


Salt is a great natural exfoliator that removes dead skin cells to allow for the emergence of healthy, new skin. It also fights against acne and balances oily skin. Olive oil is another acne fighter that kills acne-causing bacteria while giving your skin a boost of hydration. Sounds like the mask of our dreams!

DIY Hair Masks

1. The Honey Hair Mask


- 1/2 cup honey

- 2 tbsp olive oil


Mix ingredients together then massage into hair (from scalp to the ends). Let it sit for 10-20 minutes before rinsing and shampooing. 


In addition to its moisturizing properties, honey has a wide variety of other benefits. Its antioxidant properties strengthens hair follicles which prevents damage and hair loss. In addition, it is also a good hair follicle cleanser. Because of its anti-bacterial qualities, honey can sooth and manage issues such as dandruff, eczema, and psoriasis. Olive oil is a magnificent conditioner that heals split ends and frizzy hair, locks in moisture, and gives your hair an extra boost of shine and softness.

2. The Honey-Milk Hair Mask


- 1 cup milk (whole milk preferred)

- 2 tbsp honey


Mix honey and milk together throughly before pouring the mixture on all of your hair. Let the mixture stay in your hair for an hour before rinsing off and following with your normal shampoo routine. Pro tip, after pouring on the mixture, tie up your hair and cover it with a shower cap. This way you won't have to worry about your dripping everywhere!


If your hair is looking dull and lifeless, then this is the hair mask for you. Milk removes dead skin cells from your scalp and leaves it feeling soft and fresh. In addition, milk revives hair by restoring natural shine, luster, and smoothness. 

3. The Chamomile-Yogurt Hair Mask


Chamomile hair masks are often used as a DIY technique to lighten hair. The effect is very subtle and often takes numerous treatments before it is visible. It tends to be more effective on lighter hair but does also work on brunettes. If the desired product is lightened hair, repeat the process at least twice a week.


- 4 or 5 chamomile tea bags

- 1 cup of hot water

- 3 tbsp yogurt


Brew 4 or 5 chamomile tea bags in 1 cup of hot water for 20 minutes and allow it to sit until completely cooled. Completely mix brewed tea with the yogurt. Apply it to your hair and allow it to sit for an hour before rinsing it out with warm water and shampooing as usual. 


Chamomile tea has many hair benefits. It fights against dandruff, soothes scalp irritation, restores shine and glow, and even nourishes your hair. Similarly, yogurt too fights against dandruff with its anti-fungal properties. It also decreases hair frizz, moisturizes your locks, and reduces the clogging of hair follicles. Um, yes please!

Bonus: DIY Lip Scrub


- 1 tbsp honey

- 1 tbsp olive oil

- 1 tbsp white or brown sugar


Thoroughly mix the ingredients together. Using your finger, rub the mixture onto your lips in a gentle circular motion for about a minute. Wipe off using a towel or rinse off with water and apply your favorite chapstick to moisturize.


Lip exfoliation is important and should be part of everyone's pampering routine. Exfoliating your lips removes dead skin cells and evens out lip texture. It also, overtime, reduces lip discoloration including blackness and dark spots. The white (or brown) sugar acts as the exfoliate while the honey and olive moisturize the lips. 

Bottom Line:

Treating yourself doesn't necessarily mean splurging, especially with these DIY face and hair masks. You can easily pamper yourself with less than 4 ingredients, all which can be easily obtained. Don't let a money or time budget get in the way of your relaxation and rejuvenation. These DIY face and hair masks are for everyone. So what are you waiting for? Get to pampering!